Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Pastor: We Need to Divorce the Spirit of Division in the Church

Even as He foretold His death, Jesus emphasized His desire for His followers to remain united (see John 17). So it’s not surprising that the enemy works overtime against unity in the church.

Joshua Reyes says in a recent episode of his Legacy Podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network that “The enemy can use people around you, even the people closest to you, to stir up division and discord in your family, workplace and yes, even in the ministry,” Reyes says. “Nobody’s perfect, and with so many different personalities and opinions, we’re bound to rub each other the wrong way once in a while and not see eye to eye. However, our differences can be beautiful and used to give constructive criticism.

“But when handled the wrong way, our differences can lead to spoken word curses, gossip, slander, ungodly mindsets and ultimately the destruction of unity,” Reyes adds. The key, he explains, comes in looking for what God desires. “There are some extremists who need to be corrected and toned down. But not every situation we divide ourselves over even reflects the heart of God over the true issue,” he says. The enemy focuses on things that are less important, and that destructive focus affects ours.

“We have become so divided and competitive and prideful that we’re not one functioning body but many parts, doing our own thing and refusing to work with parts who have a separate function, sometimes even within the same church. There are differences that arise that are so small and so petty, yet cause destruction because people refuse to see the bigger picture,” he says.

Titus 3:9-11 says, “But avoid foolish debates, genealogies, contentions, and arguments about the law, for they are unprofitable and useless. Reject a divisive man after a first and second admonition, knowing that such a man is perverted and is sinning, being self-condemned.”

Reyes adds, “Basically, the Scripture is saying, ‘Stop fighting over dumb things and get your act together and focus on what’s really important.'” To listen to Reyes’ entire teaching titled Divorcing the Spirit of Division, click here.

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