Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Prophecy: Few Know the End Is Near

Rene Bates calls believers to separate themselves from the ways of the world before the time of the great separation of sheep and goats (Matt. 25:31-46).

The author of God’s Glory and the Exhortation—The Flames of God’s Fire, Bates shares this prophetic word about the coronavirus on the Charisma Connection podcast recorded late last month.

Bates says the Lord told him: “I have allowed this pestilence to go throughout the world as a warning. This is the beginning of the time of sorrows. Many false prophets are going to rise up and deceive my children. Soon there will be an increase of lawlessness, but Christians must endure to the end. Many have prayed for this time to come. I will soon be gathering My elect together from the ends of the earth.

“Few know that the end is near. There are many hypocrites who are and will deceive My children. Soon it will be a time to greet Me. My salvation cannot be bought with money. The time of separation is surely coming, and the separation will be sheep from goats, wheat from tare, good fish from bad. Tell them they must endure to the end.”

Bates, who is nearly 81, reflected on his life during the podcast interview. He met Jesus after he had married Pauline, who became a Christian while young. And when he experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit, he knew God was present. The Spirit welled up within him and he spoke in tongues for the first time.

“I felt so clean,” he says. “You name the sin, I did it! My wife just kept praying for me, kept praying for me all the time. She never gave up, so I guess the message is, don’t give up on your loved ones.”

Bates is thankful he is saved and filled with the Spirit. In these difficult times, he wants to see others have this same experience. Although many are living in fear, for the Christian, he says, it’s time to anticipate the return of Jesus.

“The Lord’s coming soon,” he says, “so it’s time to rejoice.”

Listen to Charisma Connection to hear what Bates had to say about deception and division in the body of Christ.

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