Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Cindy Trimm: We Need Daniels and Esthers to Rise Up in This Worldwide Crisis

As one of God’s most diligent prayer warriors, global minister Cindy Trimm says that, in this time of worldwide chaos and crisis, God is looking for ethical kingdom leaders to show the world that He indeed is alive and well, and in control of everything.

The COVID-19 outbreak has become the perfect scenario, the founder of Cindy Trimm Ministries International says, for the church to win non-believers to Christ—to show them that Jesus is the only way to conquer the fear and pandemonium that has gripped the world.

“Now is the greatest opportunity for us to reach in and build capacity for maximizing our potential,” Trimm told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I see more and more churches taking a greater role of empowering the next generation of leaders.

“We’re now looking for more ethical leadership. We’re looking for people to be like a Joseph or a Daniel or an Esther. What a great opportunity the church has to be a light in this world. Cities settle on the hill to be the change we want to see. And we are the doctors and the lawyers.

“Now, we could press into God in a brand new way and download God’s original plan and purpose for humanity and the destiny of nations and bring that conversation to the table.”

Trimm prayed:

Father, I know You have no respect of purpose and persons and even now we ask that You will restore health unto us and You will heal us of our wounds. We decree and declare over those that are suffering from the coronavirus, or any other challenges or problems that they are faced with, that You will heal us. By Your stripes, we are healed. I speak that our minds are healed, our bodies are healed, our emotions are healed, our marriages our healed and our relationships are healed. We pray that You will neutralize the negative effects of the virus, of bacterial drugs and medical treatment by the blood of Jesus Christ. We decree and declare You are releasing our hearts, our minds and our souls, that our hearts not be anchored in doubt or fear or unbelief, but are anchored in You. … Remove the fatigue, and give them periods of refreshment and restorative rest and sleep. Remove the stress in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Listen to the entire episode titled “Our Faith-Based Response to the Coronavirus” here.

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