Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Author: Don’t Be Afraid to Create New Habits, Ideas in This Season of Transition

Author and speaker Sarah Jakes Roberts says that now, during the coronavirus outbreak, is a time to get ready for transition and change. Maybe now is the time to start writing that book and being innovative while working from home, she says. Ask God what He wants from you in this season.

“We have to be willing to trust God’s time even when we do not understand what is happening,” Roberts says. “For some reason, God has decided that it is time for the church to break the covenant of how they are used to connecting with people, because God said it’s time for you to go into all of the world in a fresh, new way.

“It is time for you to break the covenant with what you have always known, and dare to ask God, ‘Who can we become?’ You can never be so married to the way things have always been that you miss the opportunity to step into what God is doing. …

“God says, ‘I applied enough pressure on the business field that they’re going to be hungry for someone who can do something creative, and no one was paying attention, but let me apply some pressure so they have no choice.'”

To watch the entire sermon, titled “Apply Pressure,” click here.

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