Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

As I have prayed and sought the face of God, I have been given a series of revelations concerning the destiny of the approaching days. We are not just crossing a threshold from one season to the next or from one decade to the next, but rather, we are crossing over into an entire new era in the global body of Christ. It is a time of inheriting generational prophetic promises.

Could it be that we are in a season described in Joshua 4? On one side of the Jordan River, great prophetic revelations were received and released. Then there came a critical crossing-over moment. The priestly leaders led the way into the river and were instructed to pick up stones and deposit them on the other side of the Jordan. This pile of stones became “memorial stones” speaking to the generations to come of their inherited prophetic promises.

Moses had released amazing prophetic revelations that apparently were years ahead of their time. The revelation that the “meekest man” who ever walked the face of the earth was given did not find immediate fulfillment. These were generational prophetic words. They were passed down from one generation to the next. I believe we are in such a season again today. Let me share with you concerning another period of time where the baton was being passed from one generation to the next.

The Naba and the Seer streams of the prophetic anointing came forth with a mighty outpouring in 1948. Two divergent streams appeared on the scene in the form of the Healing & Deliverance Movement and the Latter Rain Outpouring. These were two different operations of the Holy Spirit, each having a major impact on the body of Christ.

One generation later, these two diverse streams reemerged. In 1988, a combustion of prayer and prophetic activity was released on a global level. Bishop Bill Hamon of Christian International became one of the primary fathers of the Naba prophetic stream. The Kansas City prophets became stewards of the Seer prophetic stream. As a younger man, I was identified with this group of seer prophets.

Two streams. Two diverse operations. Two prophetic expressions. At that time, the baton was being passed from one generation to the next. Great promises. Great impact. Great inheritance.

Thirty-two years have already come and gone since these two historic streams of the prophetic found their place of prominence on a global scene.

Today we have the benefit of cross-pollination, the joining of the generations, the inclusion of numerous highly gifted women in the prophetic, and a new emergence of prophets and prophetic intercessors on an international level.

The body of Christ has never seen this level of diverse prophetic profusion—ever! We are in a new era. We are inheriting the promises of these trailblazing forerunners and crossing the Jordan River once again to walk out the words that a previous generation declared. It is a time of generational prophetic inheritance.

It is time to inherit the prophetic words of a billion-soul harvest of youth. It is time for stadium Christianity to have its beginning! It is time for a move of purity and righteousness to be restored. It is time for God’s majestic presence and gifting to impact all seven cultural spheres of society. It is time to see with our own eyes the greatest harvest the church has ever seen. It is time to move from the great reformation to an era of the great transformation. It is time to posture ourselves to believe this is the time and we are the people to win for the Lamb the rewards of His suffering!

We each have a strategic role to play. We each have a unique prophetic expression to release. You have a voice that needs to be heard. It is a voice that cries in the wilderness, “Make way for the kingdom of God!”

Our voices together exemplify the sound of many rushing waters. The voice of the Lord is thundering once again. Will you be a part of the symphonic sound the world is waiting to hear? The choice is yours to make.

It is time to bring appropriate applications to our collective generational prophetic inheritance. It is not just a season of increased prophetic revelation. It is a new era of divine prophetic fulfillment!

James W. Goll is the founder and president of God Encounters Ministries.

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