Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Author: Stop Blaming Trump for Coronavirus, Acting Like We’re in the Apocalypse

Author and podcaster Allie Beth Stuckey says people need to stop all the hateful discussions on social media against President Trump. Further, we need to be careful how fearful we get about the coronavirus and not treat it like it’s the end of the world.

“There are two extreme reactions going on right now in the media, maybe even among your friends, about coronavirus,” Stuckey says. “One extreme reaction is that we should absolutely be panicked, we should be freaking out, everyone needs to go to the store and get toilet paper, get all of the apocalyptic things, spend $5,000 on freeze-dried food that you can have for the next 25 years in case we’re quarantined for the next couple of decades.

” … All of the absolute panic, the blaming on President Trump and his administration for this, is absurd. It’s not based on fact. It’s not based on any kind of reasoning whatsoever. It’s just a way to try to drum up panic. … Drumming up panic in order to cast a narrative against Donald Trump is doing a disservice to all of the people who are in their influence, even just on an immune system level, but also it isn’t good for the economy.”

However, Stuckey says, it’s also not loving to take no precautions at all. Even if you’re able to fight off the coronavirus, you have the potential to spread the disease to the elderly or people with weaker immune systems who aren’t able to do so.

To watch the entire video, click here.

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