Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What to Do When Your Loved Ones Won’t Pursue Jesus

When we are in hot pursuit of God and our family members aren’t, it can be difficult for us. We want to push, prod and force our spiritual walk on them.

I believe a lot of us try and play Jesus and convict our family members of where they should be in their spiritual walk. We control, manipulate and give unsolicited advice. But, do these words and actions draw people to the Lord and a closer walk with Jesus, or do they draw them further away?

As Christians, we need to lead with love. The best practice we can do is lead by example.

I’m a pastor, and let’s face it; not every child wants to grow up being a PK. I remember my daughter not pursuing Jesus. How did I handle it? Internally, not too well.

I wanted her to love the Lord and stay on the path He had set before her. However, externally, I chose my battles. I tolerated her listening to country music as long as it was in her vehicle or earbuds, so the music didn’t penetrate my atmosphere. I didn’t understand but supported her wanting to go to a secular university in her freshman year instead of choosing a community college closer to home for the first two years of her schooling.

I took to prayer what decisions to fight and which ones to accept. I allowed her to make mistakes and learn from them. I didn’t push and prod. My one requirement was that, while at home, she attended church once a week. And yes, you can bet I made sure she was attending church at college. I even went a step further and assisted her in checking out and interviewing the pastors of the church.

However, what about the people in our home, our spouses and children who aren’t “where we are spiritually.” What do we do about them? Nothing! Pray for them! Pray, “Holy Spirit, convict them.”

Their spiritual walk isn’t your responsibility. They will stand before God one day and give an account of their life. Meanwhile, don’t take on the false responsibility and disappointment of where they are or aren’t spiritually.

Live your life out loud for Christ. Don’t compromise your beliefs, spiritual walk or God time. If you want to pray and worship in your living room or home where they can hear, do it without intimidation or holding back. They might not want to be a part of it, but they are watching, listening and observing. I guarantee.

I didn’t take all my children by the hand into my secret place. One did go willingly.

But the others watched as I worshipped, laid prostrate and grew in my intimate time with the Lord. By being free to be me they are now free to be themselves.

And now, I hear their worship music and prayers from their bedrooms. I witness them getting up early in the morning to have their quiet time with the Lord. Yes, I led by example and they followed.

So, don’t think it is all about forcing spirituality and conviction down their throats. The witness of how you are living your life will rub off on them.

And, my rebellious daughter, well, she had one request before she came home from college. She asked for a prayer chair and the corner of her room to be revamped to make a quiet place with the Lord, of which we gladly obliged.

Friends, do yourself a favor: Concern yourself with your own spiritual walk. Don’t allow anything to stop you from pursuing the Lord and those around you. Trust that the Lord will have them follow you, or more so, follow Him.

Note: Allow me to disciple you further through my online courses in the prophetic, prayer, inner healing and deliverance available on Charisma Courses at {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister releasing the love and power of God to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and Be Love Outreach. Kathy hosts a weekly podcast show called Prophetic Spiritual Warfare on the Charisma Podcast Network. She is the author of several books, including Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Unshackled and Warfare Declarations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook at or visit

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