Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Passover Blessings: A Time of Preparation, Protection and Provision

What Is Passover?

Passover, or pesach in Hebrew, remembers the end of Jewish slavery in Egypt and the following exodus. We may read the story of Passover in Exodus and think it is something that happened in biblical history, stopping there. However, the Bible tells us that Passover is to be an everlasting ordinance.

“Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt. This day shall be a memorial to you, and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord. Throughout your generations you shall keep it a feast by an eternal ordinance” (Ex. 12:13-14).

The Passover Blessings Open Doors

There are nine Passover blessings described in Exodus 23. Passover is a time to prepare for the year ahead. The Jewish people, in whom our spiritual heritage resides, cherished this feast because they knew that when their hearts and minds aligned with God’s during this appointed time, then doors of protection and provision opened for the upcoming year.

Many will argue that this is legalistic thinking, but from a Hebraic perspective, Passover was the observance of the God who never changed. It was a time to prepare their hearts to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who was and will always be faithful to His promise of protection and provision.

Get Your FREE The Ultimate Guide to Passover E-Book HERE, and Understand the Blessings of Passover!

The Passover Blessings of Preparation

Just as the Israelites prepared their homes and the spotless lamb in the moments leading up to Passover, we too can prepare our hearts to receive the abundant blessings God has for us in the days and months to come.

Getting alone with God as you spiritually and physically prepare for Passover has immeasurable blessings. It helps you set your clocks to God’s calendar. This alone time allows the Holy Spirit to reveal any “yeast” (sin) that needs to be cleared out of your life so you can make room for the blessings of provision and protection.

The Passover blessing of preparation is not only about getting alone with God, it is also about Him preparing a place for you at His table. He prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemies. Often, the enemies we battle are in our negative thought patterns. He is preparing to free your mind.

God is saying in essence that He will clear your mind so that your thoughts become His thoughts, and your desires become His desires. Thus, He is preparing you for an abundant year to come.

The Passover Blessings of Protection

1. The Lord guides you. There is a Passover blessing of divine protection. Exodus 23:20 says, “Indeed, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.” There is an angel assigned to guide you into the places that God has ordained.

2. The Lord fights for you. Another blessing of protection is that God will “be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries” (Ex. 23:22). He will fight for you and give you peace.

3. The Lord gives you divine authority. Exodus 23:24 says that God commissions you to “utterly overthrow them and break down their images in pieces.” This is in reference to idols and false gods. You have not only been given authority to break down idols; you’ve been commissioned to overthrow them!

This Passover blessing comes with responsibility, but understand that God is for you and will equip you to do His will.

The Passover Blessings of Provision

1. God will increase your inheritance. As you press into God’s truth that He will protect and equip you, He will increase your inheritance little by little (Ex. 23:30). This blessing requires continuously leaning on God’s strength. It is not you driving out the enemy, but the Spirit who dwells within you. This blessing of strength is multiplied and manifested in an increase in your inheritance.

2. God will free you. Aligning with the Lord during Passover reveals His discernment and detection of false and corrupt covenants. In other words, when you seek God’s vision during Passover, He will reveal any places in your heart that could become a snare, causing you to sin against Him (Ex. 23:33). Thus, He is giving you freedom from false beliefs that weigh you down.

3. God will heal you. There is great power of healing released during this appointed time. Exodus 23:25 says, “You shall serve the Lord your God, and He shall bless your bread and your water, and I will remove sickness from your midst.”

Aligning your heart and will with God’s during Passover allows you to step into His presence. As a result, you long to serve only Him. Stepping into the divine presence of God is always a blessing. This Passover blessing flows into every provision from Him.

The Passover blessings of protection and provision are seen throughout Scripture. The fact that God never changes is the foundation of our faith—

Passover reminds us of this.

When we read verses such as James 1:17 through a Hebraic lens, the goodness of the Lord is magnified.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no change or shadow of turning” (James 1:17).

Want to better understand the nine blessings of Passover and magnify His presence in your life?

Download The Ultimate Guide to Passover E-Book HERE! {eoa}

Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.

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