Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Spiritual Adviser to President Believes Many Hispanics Will Vote for Trump in 2020

Historically, the Hispanic vote has been more aligned with the Democratic Party than the Republican Party. But my friend Pastor Ramiro Peña—who leads Christ the King Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, and serves as one of President Donald Trump’s spiritual advisers—believes that’s about to change in 2020.

But what would cause Hispanics to vote for Trump? Peña says it’s because the Democratic Party has gone so far left that it’s actually alienating the Hispanic community, which is largely pro-life.

“Hispanic people are waking up to the fact that the president is indeed pro-life and pro-faith,” Peña says. “And as a group, Hispanic people are extremely pro-life, pro-faith, pro-work ethic, pro-family, pro-traditional marriage. So as the engagement increases, and I’m a big part of that effort, they are finding more of a home in support of Donald Trump.

“And Democratic leaders, particularly Bernie Sanders, are openly saying, ‘There’s no room in the Democratic Party if you’re pro-life. You don’t have a party. You don’t belong.’ I think [Democrats] have something else coming if they think they’re going to sweep in the entire Hispanic vote. That’s just not going to happen this time.”

Peña seems convinced, especially since many in the Hispanic community are Catholics or Pentecostals who take their faith seriously. As one of Trump’s spiritual advisers, Peña sees how Trump treats pastors and the religious community with respect.

“He has said on more than one occasion that the five most important words he ever hears are: ‘I am praying for you,'” he says. “He loves hearing that because he knows and confesses that Almighty God put him in office. He believes he wouldn’t be in office without the hand of God. And he knows he is one in desperate need of intercession and prayer.”

You probably have seen pictures in the news of pastors and spiritual leaders laying hands on Trump and praying over him. Some may think those pictures are staged or that Trump is simply schmoozing America’s faith community, but Peña says those prayers are never forced. They always flow naturally after meeting with Trump.

“Frequently he says he’s so grateful [for prayer], and he is so inviting of prayer and for people to pray over him,” Peña says. “It’s never a forced thing. Before any of us get out of the room, it’s, ‘We’ve got to pray. We need to pray now.’ So that’s how we conclude. He has been a very good listener. He’s been very thoughtful with the questions he asks clergy. And he has been one who has been a perfect gentleman and very honorable toward pastors. He sees the voices of pastors in the country as more important than every right now.”

Because of Trump’s softness of heart toward pastors in the country, Peña believes Trump can continue to make a huge difference if he’s reelected in 2020, especially in regard to immigration. Many immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally are actually just here to provide for their families, Peña says. If the Trump administration can find a way to help illegal immigrants stay legally and contribute to the country, it can make a world of difference.

“There are many surveys that demonstrate that the American people overwhelmingly support immigrants being able to have some sort of legal status if they would, for example, not commit crimes, learn English, pay their taxes,” he says.

“… So somehow we need a reasonable and rational approach to allow people to work, to behave and to do well. I encourage my brothers and sisters in the Lord to pray for these folks. Let’s pray for the solutions. And let’s not demonize people who simply risk their lives to get here and do hard work for low pay. There is a solution, and we need to pray for our leaders to get there. And I think we will, especially if Trump gets reelected. We’ll find a solution.”

Peña’s words are so needed right now. Instead of demonizing hard-working immigrants, we need to find solutions that actually work and build up our country. Peña sincerely believes Donald Trump can do that—and so do I.

Will you join Peña in prayer for our nation and the upcoming election? Listen to my full interview with Pastor Peña here, and be sure to share this article with a friend!

To read more about some of the problems facing the nation, be sure to check out my new book, God, Trump and the 2020 Election, especially the fourth chapter, “God Loves Borders,” about the immigration issue. The book is available anywhere books are sold. If you want a signed copy, order from our website

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