Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Author: Beware of New Age, Christian Science Infiltrating the Church

Author Doreen Virtue, famous for her New Age writings, says this religion has infiltrated churches and deceived people into believing it’s biblical. Now Virtue has given her life to Jesus and speaks out about the heresy of New Age and Christian Science. She warns about the prosperity gospel and becoming obsessed with angels, who can actually deceive us if they’re demons in disguise.

“Christian Science beliefs take Scripture such as, ‘We’re made in the image and likeness of God,’ and twist it to say that, therefore, no such thing as illness could occur in this world,” Virtue says. “No such thing as injury or accidents; it’s just an illusion—so in that way it’s like Gnosticism. It’s denying the material world, the human body, including having a very heretical view of Jesus. …

“I thought I was Christian; my mom said I was Christian. We had a King James Version Bible in our house, we’d read it every week, we’d go to church twice a week. … The heart of the New Age is manifesting to get your life purpose, your soulmate, more money, more abundance. … I didn’t know God, so I turned to angels because they seemed more accessible. … The Bible also says in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that Satan will masquerade as an angel of light, and so we have to be super careful when we’re dealing with angels because a lot of it is demons in disguise.”

To watch the entire interview, conducted by author Allie Stuckey, click here.

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