Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Author: Satan Tormented Me for 6 Months With Witches, Fear, Oppression

Author and speaker Lana Vawser says after she got the contract for a book she was to write, Satan tormented her for six months. She says the Word of God is what helped her get through that time.

“Day and night [I received] torment of the enemy trying to kill me, witches, all this horrible stuff,” Vawser says. “But what did God teach me in that time? I didn’t have anything else to hold on to but the Word of God. [God] would say to me, ‘You are going to make it. You are going to come out of this stronger than when you went in.’ And suddenly I’d be able to breathe for five minutes, and then the torment would come back again, the fear, the oppression, unlike anything I’d experienced. …

“In that place, [God] built in me a fortification, an enduring faith that is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. … When the enemy comes at you, you say, ‘What, you again? I know your tricks. As far as I know from what the Word of God says, you don’t belong in my face. You actually belong down here under my foot.'”

Vawser spoke at Hope City Church on Feb. 2 and said God told her He’s giving the church the gift of endurance. She says God even told her to start taking boxing classes at her local gym to learn about resistance training, which can be applied in the spiritual realm as well.

“The Lord said to me, ‘You and the body of Christ need endurance in this new era,'” Vawser says. ” … God has taught me so much about faith through simply going and learning how to box. He’s taught me a lot about victory, and He’s taught me a lot about what it means to stand in who I am in Him and what it means to strengthen myself in order to carry what He’s going to release.

“Now, the reason I believe the Lord is highlighting endurance is because right now, He’s looking at you and saying, ‘I want to build your faith and I want to strengthen you and I want to rewire things, because what I’m looking at is longevity.’ There’s a longevity that God is wanting to build and teach us as His people to prepare us for the long haul. … It’s a maturing of the faith that God is bringing within the church that is branding God’s people as unstoppable. I am not defined by my circumstances.”

To listen to the entire sermon, click here.

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