Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Is There Really Only One God for Everyone?

When sharing the gospel with Hindus or New Agers, often, the anticipated response will be, “There is only one God! We are all worshipping the same God.”

Strangely, the first half of that statement can be true, or it can be false—depending on the belief system held by the person who says it.

What does a Hindu mean by the statement, “There is only one God”?

Most Hindus believe that ultimate reality is Brahman, an omnipresent, impersonal life-force that permeates the universe. Out of this cosmic oversoul, millions of individual, personal gods and goddesses manifest, but they all trace their existence to one impersonal source. This is an all-inclusive view.

What does a Sikh mean by “There is only one God”?

Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism, taught that the god of the Hindus and the god of the Muslims are one and the same. Names, personalities and myths may be different, but behind it all is one and the same god. This is an all-inclusive view.

What does a Muslim mean by “There is only one God”?

Muslims believe that there is no other god but Allah, that Allah is absolutely one and that assigning divinity to anything or anyone else is a heretical sin called shirk. Therefore, the triune nature of the one God, as revealed in the Bible, is firmly rejected. This is an exclusive view.

What does a Christian mean by “There is only one God”?

Only in Christianity do we find the correct triune revelation of the Godhead: one God comprised of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to blend this revelation with any other interpretation of the divine nature. This is an exclusive view.

So is the name we use for God important? Absolutely, because the name used for God is identified with the doctrinal base and character of the one being referenced.

Isn’t It enough for a person to just worship God, however He is conceived? No, because “true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth” (John 4:23b). But what does that mean? Much more than most people think.

Mike Shreve has been teaching God’s Word since 1971, with an emphasis on healing and the prophetic. He has authored 15 books, including the best-selling 65 Promises From God for Your Child. “Discover Your Spiritual Identity” podcasts are based on Mike Shreve’s book Who Am I. Obtain your copy today. Visit,, and

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