Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Instead of Fearing the Ministry of Angels, Learn to Discern Them

Prophetic minister Jennifer Eivaz believes angels are real and that believers can learn to distinguish them from counterfeit spirits. She also believes God sometimes sends angels for the purpose of healing, which she says she has experienced personally.

“A lot of us are really apprehensive when we talk about angels because we’re so afraid of the counterfeit,” she says on the Take 10 With Jenn podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. If you see what you believe to be an angel, she says, “You just ask that angel, ‘Whom do you serve, and why are you here?’ And depending on the answer, that will tell you everything.”

Eivaz adds another key insight to keep in mind when discerning angels. “By the way, a real angel, it won’t let you worship it. It will rebuke you, possibly,” she says. “The apostle John, in the book of Revelation … just succumbed to the glory of God that was on the angel talking to him, and he began to worship that angel, and that angel rebuked him. … If you start going the wrong direction with the real angel of God, it will set you straight. … God’s holy angels, they always adhere to the Word, the written Word—they never deviate [from] it.”

Eivaz proved her ability to discern angels in one of her first angel encounters. “I was pregnant with my son, and I was just struggling one night in particular, and I just couldn’t keep any food down and something just wasn’t right. And I kept saying to myself, ‘If this doesn’t end in a few hours … If this doesn’t stop, this problem in my body, if it doesn’t stop in like an hour, I’m going to take myself to the emergency room.’ It just seemed like something was really wrong.

“Well, when I said that to myself, this light showed up in front of me; I couldn’t make out the form. But I knew inside by the discerning of spirits—that ability from the Holy Spirit to distinguish what’s God and what’s not God—I knew in myself it was an angel,” Eivaz says. “I said, ‘Put your hand on my stomach. And when you do that, I’ll be healed.’

“And so this angel did exactly what I said. … It reached out and put its hand on my stomach. And when it did that, I was healed. So again, I’ll ask the question, ‘Do angels heal?’ because a lot of people say no, but we have to know from the Bible that there are demons of affliction. There’s a spirit of infirmity,” Eivaz says. “Jesus cast a spirit of infirmity out of the woman who was bent over for 18 years, so we can conclude then that if there are demons of affliction, there are angels sent for the purposes of healing.

“Nevertheless, we always give God the glory, because God is the healer; Jesus is our healer. And we don’t give credit to the angels,” she says.

To learn more about the work of angels and how to discern them, listen to this podcast.

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