Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Francis Chan: No. 1 Command of Satanic Bible Is to Do Whatever Feels Good

Author and speaker Francis Chan says many pastors falsely preach that God wants you to do what feels right to you. But the gospel says our very nature is sinful. That being said, we’re going to be at war with our feelings many times in order to obey Christ.

“So much of the teaching that is everywhere is just ‘whatever feels good to you,’ which is the easiest thing to believe—I just do whatever I feel like doing,” Chan says. “But you’ve got to remember that is the No. 1 command of the satanic Bible: Do whatever you want to do, whatever feels good. … That’s why the Bible says Satan is the god of this world—there’s just a flow of things, and if you just go with popular opinion, it’s going to lead you to destruction.”

To watch Chan’s entire teaching on the true message of the gospel, click here.

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