Sat. Oct 12th, 2024

Jonathan Cahn’s Urgent Prayer for America: ‘Lord, Have Your Way, Whatever It Takes’

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says he feels burdened for America in this volatile and crucial time for the country, and that he is “very much on the verge” of issuing a call for national prayer, repentance and return to God.

The New York Times bestselling author of The Harbinger, The Oracle and The Paradigm, Cahn says he believes we could see the beginning of a great revival in 2020, but that God’s people must humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from their wicked ways for revival to come about.

Cahn prayed this prophetic prayer on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network: “Lord, we pray for the church, that You would help us to truly walk and live in revival and in Your Spirit, in the fullness of the fire of Your will in our lives.

“Each of us, whatever we need to do, whatever change has to take place, we are open to it, Lord, and we will take the steps toward repentance to removing what should not be in our lives. We pray that we will take up the calling you have given us; not tomorrow, but now. Father, we want to be in the center of Your will this year, starting now, and we commit that to You.

“And Lord, we pray for America, for the youth of America. We pray, let there be revival, Father. We pray for the coastlines. We pray for the cities in New York, New Jersey, California—all the cities. We pray for the capital of Washington, for revival in Congress, for revival in the White House. Father, let there be a mighty stirring of Your people in America to wake up and to come to the center of Your will, that we would be the light You called us to be.

“We pray for all people, those who don’t know You and even those who oppose You, that they would be touched by You and come to know You. Have Your will, whatever it takes. Have Your way and let revival come. Let Your Spirit flow. Father, let Your will be done on earth, in America, across the world as it is in heaven and do great and mighty things in the name above all names, the name of Yeshua, Jesus, the Messiah. Amen.”

For more of Jonathan Cahn’s thoughts about the immediate future of America, listen to this podcast.

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