Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Apologist: Naturalism Philosophy Can’t Explain Why God Saved Me From Suicide

Ravi Zacharias

The philosophy of naturalism fails to answer two basic questions, says apologist Ravi Zacharias at the Passion 2020 conference. One is, who is God? The other: What does it mean to be human? He says only the Judeo-Christian worldview can answer those questions.

God cares a great deal about people He has created in His image, evidenced in the way He saved Zacharias from death.

“At the age of 17, I was on a bed of suicide, having attempted to take my own life,” Zacharias said. “And God, who is sovereign over the whole universe, tapped the shoulder of one man who had come to India from Calgary, Alberta, and told him to send somebody into my hospital room with a Bible. I’d never owned one. I’d never opened one. …

“Here the Bible is being read to me by my mother, whose English was not that sharp, and she’s reading from the King James language and comes to the words of Jesus: ‘Because I live you also shall live.’ Till this day, now at the age of 73, 56 years later, I stand before you and say to you, why on earth did a sovereign God care enough to speak to somebody to come into that hospital room?”

That the universe and even something as complex as human beings came into existence could not have happened on accident or by chance, Zacharias says. And that has far-reaching implications.

“It means you have intrinsic worth,” Zacharias says. “You have essential worth not given by state, not given by government. … You are a person with DNA, and God’s image is on you.”

He says that Jesus, when He came to earth as a man, reflected what it meant to be human. Two notable things He reflected are: the absoluteness of moral law and the supremacy of love.

To watch the entire sermon, click here.

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