Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Frank Amedia: How You Need to Intercede for Donald Trump Right Now

POTUS Shield founder Frank Amedia is urging Spirit-filled believers to cry out on behalf of President Donald Trump.

In a video posted Jan. 6, Amedia calls believers across the United States to 21 days of fasting and prayer, “believing God that He is going to align the things of this country, that we’re not going to stumble throughout this whole new year as we stumbled coming out of the last year with betrayals and fears and political chaos.”

Amedia, Trump’s former Christian policy adviser, says there are still assignments that God has given Trump that have yet to be completed. And with the recent turmoil surrounding the impeachment, Amedia says we need to pray with faith.

“… The Lord has spoken. We believe His word, and we receive His word. However, we do need to keep our shield up and we need to keep our spear sharp. We are a spiritual weapon of God that has been anointed and called for such a time as this.”

Newsweek posted about Amedia’s call to prayer, pointing out that Amedia is not the only evangelical to call for fasting and prayer over the president.

Paula White, Cindy Jacobs and several other prominent Pentecostal leaders formed a prayer initiative that focused on waging spiritual warfare on behalf of Trump and his agenda.

Watch the video to see more.

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