Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Are You Giving Your Time to God, Even if It’s Inconvenient?

Speaker Kayla Gonzalez emphasizes the importance and value of time in our lives. In a world vying for our attention, with myriad distractions thanks to technology, our time is in a more limited supply than ever. She recalls a time when she was with her sister during labor for almost six hours, but she wanted to leave after the baby was born to go to her scheduled dinner date with someone.

“I realized I was giving up my time, but I wasn’t being generous with my time for my sister; I still had my own agenda that I was trying to get done,” Gonzalez says. ” … I want to ask the question today, ‘Are you willing to give of your time so that God can do more through you than you could ever do yourself?'”

Using the Good Samaritan story as her focus, Gonzalez says the first key to being generous with our time is cultivating the fruit of compassion in our lives. In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, are you taking time to stop and care for the spiritual and emotional needs of those around you?

“My fear is that we as people don’t step into that because we don’t want to be uncomfortable, but you never know the impact that it could have on someone’s life,” Gonzalez says.

For more empowering words on prioritizing your time, watch the entire video here.

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