Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How to Kill the Plans Lust Has for Your Life

When you hear the words “Well done,” what is the first thing that pops into your head? This likely reminds you of the well-known Christian phrase, “Well done, good and faithful servant” every believer wants to hear at the end of his or her life.

Well, did you know the enemy of your soul also has a “Well done” phrase? Lust also has the same goal. Lust wants to hear “Well done” for bringing you to your knees.

Lust longs for the day when your life is being reviewed and it can gloat over your fall. Lust loves when its character is on the screen of your soul’s movie. Lust loves to watch your soul slavishly obey it, and delights in watching you lust after women, become sexually inappropriate, fornicate or commit adultery. Lust loves to see its influence on a man’s life and to hear the words “Well done.”

You long in your spirit to hear Jesus tell you, “Well done.” You long to see Jesus as a real person directing and blessing your life. You want to feel His pride for you. Living a lust-free life and destroying lust both now and in the future can help you move toward hearing Jesus say, “Well done.”

Imagine driving in a car with someone day after day, week after week, for many years without asking or being told where you were going. That’s unthinkable! However, many men do the same thing with lust. They get in the car and never ask the destination. They believe the patronizing lie, “It’s OK, honey; we’re not going anywhere.”

If you are one of the men who believe this lie, you are disillusioned. Lust knows exactly where it’s taking you. Lust has a roadmap for robbing from you; stealing your time, energy and spiritual discernment; limiting your impact and ultimately destroying your life. Lust may let you feel like you’re driving, but lust is really in control.

Lust leads you down a long road. The first place lust leads you is sin. This is where you get to actually do some of the things you have fantasized about, thinking nobody will know and you won’t get caught. The second place is death. This is where you pay for the previous sin with guilt, shame and consequences.

The last place lust leads you is to God’s judgment of your life, time, energy and resources. Lust knows where to take you. It’s time for you to realize the journey and stop believing the lies lust continues to tell you.

Every man I have ever met has had one of those days when several things didn’t go the way he expected. I know you have had them, too. You didn’t get the job, were passed over for the promotion, got stuck in traffic, got yelled at by your wife or were ignored by your dog. Bad days happen to all of us.

When you have a day like this, you need to have a friend and a plan. You need to talk about it. You need to get out in the open with someone how unfair your situation is. Then you need to have a plan to do some physical activity to give your body some positive chemicals. Being heard and getting some energy released won’t change your circumstances, but they can certainly change your mindset.

If you don’t have a plan, lust has a plan for you—especially on the roughest days. Lust will send you on a goose chase to find someone to look at or to have someone look at you. Lust will show you an opportunity to get you to view images or even act out in worse behaviors. Lust’s voice will feel familiar with the promise of feeling better afterward. Lust loves to talk to vulnerable men.

When you have bad days, have a plan to talk to someone and get a physical release. Talking to God and your wife (if you’re married) can be a great part of that plan. Being proactive can help you in the battle of lust.

Being reactive can lead you back into lust and give you false comfort. Plan ahead and stay lust-free. Kill the plans lust has for your life and move toward your goal of hearing those wonderful words, “Well done.” {eoa}

Doug Weiss, Ph.D., is a nationally known author, speaker and licensed psychologist. He is the executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the author of several books, including Lust Free Living. You may contact Dr. Weiss via his website,, on his Facebook, by phone at 719-278-3708 or through email at [email protected].

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