Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Marilyn Hickey: Don’t Miss Out on These Fire-Filled Advantages of Praying in Tongues

What do you do when you don’t sleep well and have a busy day ahead? Evangelist, author and Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey has what some might consider a unique answer: She prays in tongues.

“I have noticed praying in the Spirit gives me physical strength,” Hickey says on the “Today With Marilyn and Sarah” podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “We don’t know how to pray for things as we ought, but the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. …

“Praying in the Spirit kind of keeps the fire burning. I think sometimes we say, ‘Well, yeah, I’m Spirit-filled; I have been for a long time.’ But are you praying in the Spirit? Are you praying in the shower? Are you praying in the bathtub? Are you praying in your car? Do you need the gift to be stirred up inside you?” Hickey asks. “We can know things but not be involved in them. Does your heart have holy heartburn because the Spirit prays through you for things you don’t know how to pray for?”

Hickey also addresses cessationism, the belief that the gift of tongues has ceased. “Yes, [1 Corinthians 13] says tongues will cease. But in the same place, it says knowledge will cease. So has knowledge ceased? Then why do you take tongues out of context in the Bible? … These are excuses that keep us from the power of God.”

To learn more about the gift of speaking in tongues and other gifts of the Spirit, click here and listen to this podcast.

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