Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Does Your Pastor Carry This Sign of a False Prophet?

Pastor Shane Idleman says failing to teach on the totality of God—and only preaching the joyful topics but not the difficult ones—is one of the signs of a false prophet. In a video posted Monday, Idleman preaches out of Jeremiah 23.

“Actually, one of the signs of a false prophet, believe it or not, in the Old Testament was to tell people, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace,” Idleman says. “Read Jeremiah 23 tonight. … How can I preach on heaven but not hell? How can I preach on the love of God but not the holiness of God? See, it’s all of God. The attributes of God in His totality. We love to cherry-pick, but it’s the hard truths and getting hit with the hammer of God that we really change. I haven’t met too many people that do not change unless they are lovingly confronted and convicted. Something often has to rattle our cage. I believe that we must bring back the hidden truth of repentance.”

Click above to watch the full video.

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