Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Walk Victoriously in the Prophetic Promises God Has Spoken Over You

Dr. Bob Sawvelle, pastor of Passion Church, says that if you want to live a victorious life, you need to walk in the prophetic promises God has given you.

“There’s an inheritance for you individually and for the church, for us to possess and go after this year,” Sawvelle says on his “Empowered for Purpose” podcast. “So I believe God is going to give us a grace and an anointing … grace that will empower you to possess the promises that God’s already given.”

Sawvelle points to the book of Joshua as a prophetic blueprint for Christians to walk in to obtain victory over the enemy in their lives. But he also highlights one common trap believers tend to fall into when going toe to toe with the evil one.

“Joshua could have easily—instead of responding in faith, obedience and action—he could’ve easily given in to fear,” he says. “When God asks you to do something that is beyond your capabilities, you have a choice: respond in faith and move forward or shrink back in fear and give God reasons why you can’t do it.”

Which choice will you make? If you choose faith, listen to Sawvelle’s podcast to hear what that will look like in your life. {eoa}

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