Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How One Woman’s Cancerous Tumor Disappeared

A cancerous tumor is gone! This is newsworthy for today. And we should all celebrate with this dear sister in the Lord. Let’s read her testimony and find out what happened. What steps did she take for this cancerous tumor to be gone?

Becky and Team,

I love your ministry! I discovered you on Sid Roth just a few months ago and my life has changed and I am healed because of your faithfulness and the grace of God! I will be in Salisbury, North Carolina, later this month, and I pray I will be able to spend a few minutes chatting with you. I desire with all of my heart to minister as you do. I have read The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words, DARE to Believe, and I am reading Greater Than Magic now.

I have walked with the Lord since 1998, but only received the Holy Spirit just a couple of months ago. Oh my, what I have missed out on all of these years! The revelations the Holy Spirit is revealing to me are nothing short of miraculous. I want to grow, to help others heal their broken bodies, their broken spirits and their broken hearts. Fear keeps us from moving “In Him.” And I for one want to shout from the rooftops that we as His body don’t have to walk in that place of darkness any longer. I want to be used for His glory. Will you pray and help me?

I have read hundreds of Christian books and yours, by far, have touched my spirit like no other. I am on fire for God and want to be used mightily by Him. Enclosed you will find some cards I had written and printed. I am handing them out at cancer treatment centers, (where I have had treatment). But I know I am healed in Jesus’ name. (Sept.5, 2019)

Do you hear this woman’s excitement leap off the page? I do, and for good reason. This is what she shares, “There is hope! Prayer coupled with belief is powerful. I know. I prayed the healing prayer…with all of my heart and the very next day a protruding cancerous tumor on my neck disappeared!”

Let’s look at what happened for this woman to go from a protruding cancerous tumor on her neck to the next day it being gone.

1. She stirred her faith for the miraculous by watching the following show: Sid Roth–It’s Supernatural!.

2. She received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and prays in tongues.

3. She read my books and developed her faith for the miraculous.

4. She prayed a prayer of faith for her healing.

5. She is solidifying her healing by testifying about it to others. {eoa}

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

This article originally appeared at

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