Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How Your Simple Prayers Can Move Gigantic Mountains Today

In his business or in his family life, entrepreneur Brian Dixon has learned to live by one simple daily rule: pray, pray, pray.

And it’s his intense prayer life that has helped make him not only a very successful businessman, but a successful family man as well. Prayer, he says, will help you move mountains in any part of your life.

“I really believe that in anything you do, it needs to begin on your knees,” Dixon told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “It begins with the Lord and His vision for us. We can make all kinds of plans for ourselves, but that often leads to arrogance and such assumption about the future.

“With your family, your marriage, I challenge you before you go to bed tonight, as you are about to close your eyes, reach over and grab your spouse’s hand and say, ‘How can I pray for us tonight?’ So many couples are not praying together. I just believe that we are called to be unified, and that means being in communion with God.

“I know several people I’ve worked with who have a prayer group. We need to have a daily prayer time and let people in your business know that you want to pray for them and encourage them. When you pray for others, it’s about dying to self. When you pray for and serve others, then your obstacles don’t seem so big.”

For more about Brian Dixon and his book, Start With Your People, listen to this podcast.

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