Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Every Friday, I write about interesting web links and share some of what I learned during the week. I hope it adds value to your week. (I am not an affiliate for any link—consider the link and do your own evaluation.)

  • Virtual Private Networks—Access the internet through WiFi with peace of mind. If you are in ANY public place, the data on your device can be easily hacked. Check out this link for reviews of the top VPNs and learn about why a VPN is a necessity. Here’s the link:

VPN LINK to PC Magazine

  • Looking for a design for your website, e-book or business card? Check out 99Designs. Work with a designer at low, agreed-upon prices and get several design options.

Get designs here.

  • I followed Steve Dotto on DOTTOTECH for many years. He’s a cool techy with a smooth voice and he’s a good teacher in the tech space. This link will take you to a web page in which he explains why he uses certain tools for productivity, screencasting/video, social media, webinars, hardware and much more. This is a good link to bookmark. You never know when you may need tech advice. (His YouTube videos are very helpful.)


Something I learned this week:

I’ve discovered there’s a big difference between “can’t” and “won’t.”

When people tell me they can’t do something, I’ve learned they mean they won’t do it. We ask people to help because we know they have the gifts to step up. When working with volunteer teams, it’s important to understand what types of jobs people won’t do.

It helps to know it with our work teams as well.

Most importantly, I need to watch my own can’ts and won’ts.

Lord, help me to want to help.

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