Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Devil’s Spiritual War to Neutralize Christianity in America

The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and evil in high places (Eph. 6:12). This verse perfectly describes what is happening in our nation right now. While people fixate on the political battle, they are often oblivious to the spiritual war right in front of them.

Our country is incredibly divided right now because of that war. That division is between good and evil. (I talk more in depth about these issues in my podcast today, which you can listen to by clicking here or clicking on the podcast icon in this article.)

That divide between God’s way and the enemy’s way seems to be deepening at an accelerated rate. Some people nowadays want to push Judeo-Christian values out of the public sphere entirely. Because of that, Christians have found a new comrade in arms in the Jewish community. For instance, Dennis Prager is a committed Orthodox Jew but also a strong supporter of evangelical Christians. I interviewed Prager for my upcoming book, which is scheduled to release next year.

David Horowitz and Mark Levin are also committed Jews who have a deep respect for Judeo-Christian values. Horowitz wrote a book called The Dark Agenda in which he exposes the left’s radical agenda to rid America of Christianity forever. And Levin, a conservative radio personality, often speaks up about the danger we are in as a nation.

But the danger goes deeper than just losing our constitutional rights. Even if that were to happen, the Bible would remain true, and the Christian community would still survive. But we would not have the same freedoms we do now. In fact, we would likely face strong persecution.

Christians received a small taste of that discrimination when the Obama administration tried to punish Hobby Lobby with Obamacare. The government tried to force the Christian company to provide its employees health care that included contraceptives. Thankfully, the Supreme Court ruled the right way.

But other Christian businesses have suffered as a result of this dark agenda. Just think of all the Christian bakers and florists who have been sued because they refused to work for a gay wedding.

Since Donald Trump has been in office, though, we’ve had a kind of reprieve in that regard. He’s spoken up strongly for religious rights, and even threatened Turkey with sanctions if its leaders didn’t release Andrew Brunson, who was wrongfully imprisoned for his faith.

The battle is not really between Republicans and Democrats, but sadly, the Democratic Party has grown increasingly radical as it adopts anti-God platforms. For instances, the left has pushed away many pro-life Democrats. And Democrats who are still conservative and Spirit-filled tend to be silent.

That’s why now, more than ever, Spirit-filled Christians need to stand in the gap. If you agree, share this article on your social media and use your voice to speak up for kingdom values.

Be sure to listen to my podcast at And if you haven’t already, subscribe to my podcast on iTunes, Google Play or YouTube.

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