Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Eat God’s Food Groups to Give Your Health a Genuine Boost

Did you know God gave us food groups? God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is on the face of all the earth and every tree which has fruit yielding seed. It shall be food for you” (Gen. 1:29). He gave us seed-bearing plants which include grains, vegetables and some of their seeds. So the Lord’s food groups include vegetables, fruit, grains, nuts, seeds and meat.

Vegetables comprise the most extensive food group. Over one hundred vegetables provide a vast selection of colors and flavors to choose from. Therefore, a large portion of our diet should come from produce. Red bell peppers, white turnip roots and green spinach contain different nutrients our body needs. A colorful assortment of vegetables provides balanced nutrition. Take the vegetable challenge—try one new vegetable every week for a month.

Fruits are the second-largest food group, providing the body with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Fruits gratify our desire for sweetness, and we can consider them God’s candy. Unfortunately, refined sugar influenced our palate, so we don’t think of fruit as a dessert. But a couple of weeks after you wean yourself off sugar, fruits begin to taste sweet again.

A juicy watermelon in the summer replenishes body fluids and electrolytes. Consuming citrus in the winter provides vitamin C for the immune system to prevent upper respiratory infections. When we eat fruits and vegetables in the specific season they are harvested, we get the nutrients we need for that season, but we won’t tire of eating the same type of food all year long.

Whole grains comprise the third-largest food group and provide energizing carbohydrates. Today’s modern wheat has been hybridized, so most humans cannot digest the large gluten molecule. Instead, eat from the assortment of other grains the Lord gave us—amaranth, barley, buckwheat, millet, oats, quinoa, brown rice (not white), teff, rye and wild rice.

Nuts provide protein and omega 3 oils, which are essential for brain function. Our Creator blessed us with a variety to choose from, including almond, Brazil, cashew, chestnut, hazelnut, macadamia, pecan, pistachio, pine and walnut. Obtain fresh, raw, local nuts and store them in mason jars in the freezer. They will keep for months. Nuts are a great snack you can carry with you in your purse or backpack.

Seeds provide trace minerals that our bodies need but in small amounts. There’s a whole assortment—chia, flax, hemp, poppy, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds. Sprinkle seeds on a salad and obtain those trace minerals your body needs.

Meat was added to mankind’s diet after the flood. After the introduction of meat, the human lifespan decreased considerably. Therefore, consume meat sparingly—a couple of times a week. Excess protein can cause your body to pull calcium from your bones to balance the pH of your blood. Nuts, beans and fish are healthy protein alternatives to meat. When you purchase meat, make sure it is organic and grass-fed with no hormones or antibiotics.

God never put food in a box or bag that sits on the shelf for months. Instead, He gave us a vast selection of food that is perishable. If the food spoils, it is good for you, but if it does not spoil, it is not. Foods that don’t spoil have had the nutrients stripped from them to create processed food with a long shelf life. Eat the foods the Lord created, not the ones food manufacturers fabricate and promote.

God created us and knew exactly what our bodies needed to be healthy. Eat from His food groups—vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds and meat. Each delivers unique flavor and nutrients. They not only provide what your body needs, but they are delicious to enjoy as well.

If you would like a healthy menu along with a corresponding grocery list, check out the Menu Plan section of the Healthy Living Series Blog. {eoa}

Susan Neal, RN, MBA, MHS is a certified health and wellness coach with the American Association of Christian Counselors. She has published six books, including the Selah Award winner, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. Susan blogs and provides healthy menus, recipes and corresponding grocery lists at You can find her books on Amazon or at her website,

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