Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

What to Do When the Miracle You Prayed for Doesn’t Happen

Oral Roberts estimated that only 5% of the people on whom he laid hands received an instantaneous miracle of healing. Wherever pragmatic studies have been done, the results have been similar. Only a small minority receive an instantaneous miracle in answer to prayer.

Does that mean God is not willing to heal everyone? No! Does that mean the sick one should relinquish their faith for healing? No!

I had a similar experience in 1989-92 while associated with some of the most prominent faith-healing ministries in America. At the time, I was working on a master’s degree at Oral Roberts University and answering the phone for Richard Roberts’ TV program. I was also associated with T.L and Daily Osborn and taught a class at the church they had founded. Just down the street from where I lived was Kenneth Hagin and Rhema Bible Training Center.

During this time, I became very ill with sharp pains in my chest, heart palpitations and an alarming loss of energy. At the onset of this illness, my body shook uncontrollably, and I could not stand noise.

Being a person of faith myself, and surrounded by people of faith, I decided to trust God for my healing. However, the prayers and faith declarations seemed to be of no avail and the symptoms continued unabated.

After two years of this fight of faith and seemingly no change, I was feeling weary in the battle. My hope was starting to slip. At this point, God visited me and showed me three keys to answered prayer that restored my hope and changed my life.

I awakened one morning with the memory of a conversation that had occurred on the inside of me during the night. It seemed to be a conversation between my mind and my spirit, or the Holy Spirit.

I clearly recalled the Spirit saying, “There are three keys to answered prayer.” There was a brief silence and then I heard, “They all start with P.”

At this point, my mind asked, What three words begin with ‘P’? It then seemed that three words flowed effortlessly into my consciousness, and I knew that they were the three keys to answered prayer. The three words were “promise,” “praise” and “perseverance.”

When I awakened, there was not only the memory of this conversation, but also a new sense of strength and exhilaration in my spirit. I knew that God had visited me and given the answer for my dilemma.

Not long afterwards, I learned that these were the three principles that Abraham applied in believing God for a son. They are found in Romans 4:20-21, which reads, “He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully persuaded that what He had promised, He was able also to perform.”

This is important, for Paul calls Abraham the father of all who believe (Rom. 4:11-16). In other words, Abraham’s faith is a faith we can all emulate, and I discovered that his faith was characterized by promise, praise and perseverance.

For example, Romans 4:20 literally reads in the Greek, “Against the promise he did not decide.” In other words, Abraham looked at God’s promise and then looked at his and Sarah’s impotent bodies. He had to choose between the problem and the promise, and he chose to go with the promise. He then had to persevere, for it was another 13 years before Isaac was born. What was he doing during this time? He was giving glory, or praise, to God.

I immediately began applying these principles to my life. I stayed focused on the promise. I did not deny the symptoms, but I determined to give my attention to God’s Word. I chose to surround myself with praise to God for His goodness and faithfulness. I also chose to persevere.

It paid off. After another 1 1/2 years, my health was restored. Promise, praise, perseverance. These three keys brought me through into health and victory apart from an instantaneous miracle.

What about you? Has a miracle eluded you?

Why don’t you begin now to utilize these three keys in your life? Get out your Bible and find the promises that are relative to your situation. Write them out on a piece of paper. Keep them before you. Saturate your mind with them.

Stay focused on the promise. Surround yourself with praise. Persevere. Be prepared to rejoice. God’s answer is on the way. {eoa}

This article is derived from Dr. Eddie Hyatt‘s book, 3 Keys to Answered Prayer, which is his testimony of how God showed him the unique path of healing for his situation. It is available from Amazon and his website at

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