Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What Every Christian Must Do to Prepare for the 2020 Elections

Lance Wallnau says the 2020 U.S. presidential election will be one of the “most contentious” elections in American history: “It will be like when [Abraham] Lincoln was elected in the Civil War.” In an interview on The Jim Bakker Show, Wallnau said believers must exercise their authority to shift the spiritual atmosphere in advance of the 2020 election.

“As believers, we actually have to take ownership of the spiritual atmosphere over America,” Wallnau says. “Instead of worrying about the future, we’ve got to recognize we have authority in the spirit realm. We have to start using it. I’m convinced there’s underutilized potential in the body of Christ that’s got to come to the surface within the next 16 months.”

Wallnau also says the Democratic party is going through a power struggle for the soul of the party, between the radical left elements and the more conventional Democrats of past generations.

“The Democratic party—and we need to know this—has been taken over,” Wallnau says. “It’s not the Democratic party of your mama’s day. My mom could be a Kennedy Democrat and a Reagan Republican, all at the same kitchen table. Because she loves the Kennedys and she loved Ronald Reagan. But now ideologically, the left has a movement within it that has gone into the Democratic Party to seize power. So what you’ve got is the radical new element that is taking over the party and pulling it in their direction. That’s where the socialism comes from. So they’re throwing [Joe] Biden out there, saying, ‘Let’s get somebody who represents the normal Democrat,’ because the left in their party has taken over. But he’s not going to be able to handle it.”

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