Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Know if Your Heart Is Spiritually Infected

Have you ever experienced the pain of an infected toenail? I have often wondered, when dealing with the discomfort of an ingrown nail, how something so small can cause a pain so great!

Or perhaps you have suffered from a deep wound or an ugly gash that has developed into angry infection around the spot of injury.

An infection is your body’s way of communicating, “Hey! I need some attention! Could somebody help me out here?!”

The redness, the pain, the swelling and sometimes even the pus that accompany infection are your body’s way of announcing that there is a deeper need beyond the place of injury. A medical response to these conditions might include an antibiotic, warm compresses, a pain reliever or even surgery.

I wonder if some of you reading this today have an infection of the heart? I wonder if your soul has perhaps been infected by too much pain, by exorbitant amounts of disappointment or with repeated rejection. Life this side of heaven is oftentimes injurious to the human heart, and the result is an infection that shouts loudly, “Hey! I need some attention! Could you help me out here?”

The symptoms that are rampant in the septicity of ignored affliction can include a swelling of bitterness, hurtful words that are hard to control and an anger that colors all of your responses to life.

If an infection of the soul has invaded your life, I can assure you that Jesus wants to heal you, not hurt you. There are things that happen in life that are excruciatingly unfair and devastatingly life altering. In these moments, the only one who can heal you is Jesus. The only one who can bind up your wounds is your Savior. The only one who is able to offer the sweet gift of peace is the Prince of Peace Himself.

He comes to you with His arms stretched out, as His one compelling desire is to offer His sustaining warmth and comfort to your broken heart. Just one word from Jesus can relieve your pain and give you the ability to hope once again.

However, sometimes when the wound has been especially deep and has festered for even decades, the Great Physician must do a surgical procedure on our souls. He must remove the heart of stone that has been calcified after years of inattention and grievous maltreatment.

Would you give your injured heart to Jesus today? Would you allow Him to heal you and to cut away that which is infected and angry? We all find ourselves on the operating table of God from time to time in our lives. The joy and the peace that are found as He lovingly removes the remnants of agony and then gently adds the antibiotic of the Word are a miracle treatment indeed!

If there is an infection in your soul, take it to Jesus. Don’t ignore it or stuff it even more deeply into the recesses of your heart. He alone is able to remove the abscess of abuse and rejection. Only Jesus!

For more inspiration from Carol McLeod, listen to the podcast!

Carol McLeod is an author and popular speaker at women’s conferences and retreats, where she teaches the Word of God with great joy and enthusiasm. Carol encourages and empowers women with passionate and practical biblical messages mixed with her own special brand of hope and humor. She has written 10 books, including The Rooms of a Woman’s Heart; Defiant Joy!; Holy Estrogen!; No More Ordinary; Refined; Joy For All Seasons; Let There Be Joy!; Pass the Joy, Please!; Guide Your Mind, Guard Your Heart, Grace Your Tongue; and Stormproof, which releases on March 1, 2019. Her teaching DVD, The Rooms of a Woman’s Heart, won the Telly Award, a prestigious industry award for excellence in religious programming. You can also listen to Carol’s “Jolt of Joy” program daily on the Charisma Podcast Network. Connect with Carol or inquire about her speaking to your group at

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