Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Your Ps. 16:11 Guidance in Finding God’s Unique Path for Your Life

My wedding day was the most bittersweet day of my life. That morning, my parents and I were enjoying a farewell breakfast. I was emotional about our wedding day, and as I wept with my parents, Mom helped me see the next step of the path before me. I knew that God had chosen Tim to be my husband, and I was happy and excited about this great adventure. But I also knew that by marrying Tim, I was leaving my family and my home forever. We were moving to Boston and then eventually to Virginia. I wanted to marry Tim but hated to leave my family in Colorado.

That morning, my mother gave me life-changing wisdom:

“Being in the center of God’s will is the place of your greatest happiness. You will always be happier with Tim than you would ever be staying here with Dad and me.”

Did I see any details of the great adventure that was ahead of me? No! But I knew that God had a path, a plan for me, and I wanted all of what He had for me. There was no better option. But I had to take the next step, go to the church, put on my wedding dress and head down the aisle with my sweet daddy. One step at a time, and God’s path of life unfolded in front of me. Even after 30 years of marriage, this remains true.

This is so important because if we believe God has a path for us, we can ask Him where it is and trust Him to lead us there. If we think God has shown us His path, we need to follow it. What do we have to lose? This path for us is God’s very best option. If we make a mistake, God can show us the way. He promises to guide or reroute us. Deuteronomy 30:15–18 shows the distinctive contrast between the path to life and the path to destruction. Once again, we see a clear picture of the ways God loves His people: with compassion, strength and commitment. He clearly spells out the options for life and death and then provides wisdom for the next step.

The image of the path of life is so concrete and easily understood. It fills me with confidence for new adventures. The promise of fullness of joy—to be completely filled with joy? What could be better than that? And finally, we can be so close to God that we are within His reach, at His right hand, ready to receive from Him. Psalm 16:11 (NASB)—”You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever”—contains three powerful promises and clear directions.

  1. God will make the path of life known to us.
  2. In His presence, we will have fullness of joy.
  3. Our walk with Him will bring us great pleasure (or “happiness” in the New Living Version) forever.

As we pay attention to God’s leading and communicate with Him often, we will be equipped to stay on the path. Our success happens one step at a time as we watch, depend on and follow God. God, in His wisdom, often reveals only one step at a time; enough to encourage us, but not so much to burden us. A slower journey probably won’t overwhelm us and will build our confidence.

If we could see the whole path, our focus would be on the path ahead and not on the one next step and our moment-by-moment dependence on following God’s leadership. This wisdom continues to be important to how I make my decisions. I may not always know God’s will for my life, but I do know that I will always be happier with the Lord than searching to understand the life and steps that are ahead of me. The best way to succeed is to pay attention, listen, follow and take the next step. These are the reasons that this verse guides me. {eoa}

For more from Lisa Robertson about finding God’s path for your life, click here or listen to the podcast below:

Lisa Robertson is a noted author and teacher with more than 30 years’ experience in leading women’s Bible studies. She is the author of several books and Bible studies including The Path of Life: Walking in the Loving Presence of God, Advent: Making Christmas About Christ and The Faithful Beginnings School Readiness Guide. She serves on the Virginia State Board of E3 (Elevate Early Education), was an initial board member of Alpha North America and is the founder of Changing Seasons, an outreach ministry encouraging and inspiring women. Lisa is married to Tim Robertson, CEO and founder of Bayshore Enterprises and former CEO of The Family Channel, an international cable network. Lisa and Tim live in Virginia, and they have five children and 10 grandchildren. Connect with Lisa on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Path of Life

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