Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Word: ‘I Would Do It Again for You’

Once was enough, but if I had to, I would willingly choose to do it again just for you. Most do not begin to understand the love that I have for each one of you.

My love is not based upon feelings, but upon the foundation of love: Me. All the suffering I endured was for your good.

You are the beneficiary of My goodness. And all My benefits I give to you.

These benefits are not temporal, but they are eternal. My Word is forever, My promise is sure and My will is sealed with My blood.

Access the power of My blood.

I tell you the truth: Your redemption cost Me everything. But I would willingly do it again, because that’s how valuable you are to Me. The highest price had to be paid to redeem you back to Me. Nothing less then the best would do.

There was no bartering; it was all or nothing. And I chose all for you.

I gave all that I had—Myself—for you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

I tell you, there is no greater love than this. And I lay down my life, not for one, but for all. And I would willingly do it again even if it were just for you.

This is how much I love you.

With every drop of crimson red that I sweat in great anguish while I knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane, I willingly overcame because I thought of you and your victory.

I did not protest as they ripped out My beard and tore apart My face; I bled, and My grace erased your shame.

As I willingly knelt at the whipping post I endured the greatest of all suffering, and with the power of My blood I purchased your healing. Receive it—it belongs to you.

You are cursed no more, because I bore the piercing of that tremendous crown of thorns. And the power of My blood released you from the punishment of the curse—be free from it.

As those nails were forcefully pounded through My hands, a great blessing poured through My blood for you. Live in the complete blessing—I freely give it to you.

With the crushing blow of that great nail through My feet to that old wooden cross, I bequeath to you, through the mighty power of My blood all My authority over Satan and all of his wicked works; now walk in it.

As they pierced My side and the remaining blood and water flowed from Me, I gave to you My plan of redemption and the opportunity to become born again.

I give all of this to you, not out of obligation, but because I love you. And I would willingly do it again—just for you.

Thus saith the Lord Your God to you this day. {eoa}

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

This article originally appeared at

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