Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

7 Lies the Enemy Uses to Fuel Your Anxiety

With a lump in my throat, I fight back tears of gratitude for this note from one of my readers:

“My brother had your book Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow dedicated to me. I read every page. And my favorite part is when you explained about making Jesus the center of your life. I was compelled to do the same.”

Although those words touched this reader, my desire was to pour my soul through in the pages of my book where I recount the episodes in my life. Those chapters where I faced storms I thought were too violent to endure.

7 Lies the Enemy Uses

Not only violent, but too big for me. And at the same time, they seemed too insignificant for God. To fuel the fire of despair, I added more lies of my own:

  1. I was alone to face them.
  2. I was the only one who faced the degree of pain.
  3. It was up to me to figure out a way out of my despair.
  4. I would never be happy again.
  5. I deserved some of what happened to me.
  6. I had the right to blame others.
  7. God is distant and deaf to my cries.

Lies and more lies triggered self-pity and multiplied my tears at night. But the morning of hope came shining in the story in the boat when His disciples, in an emotional state similar to mine, trembled in the storm:

He rose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” Then the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is that you have no faith?” (Mark 4:39-40).

Completely Calm

Not partly, but completely calm. He calms the storm within—enough to expose the lies so His truth can sing within. He brings peace around us and invites tranquility to cover us.

He’s extending the same invitation to you. Maybe you’re holding onto the sides of the boat, knuckles white, heart drumming while the wind of loneliness blows. And He’s asking you the same thing: “Did lies erase your faith? Did you overlook My grace? Did you dismiss My reassurance that I’m with you, right now, in your pain and in your storm?”

Let’s Pray

Father, I confess the deceptive notions that burn in my heart. Even when my world is buffeted by the violent storm, I ask you to fill my heart with wisdom to recognize the lies that invade my thoughts. Replace them with deep faith to know You’re with me, near me and over me till the storm passes by. In Jesus’ name, amen.

How about you? What lies do you need to silence during your storm?

To learn more about how God can equip you to fight spiritual battles in the power of His might, listen to the podcast with Carol McLeod below.

Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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