Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: British Isles, It’s Time to Reap What You’ve Sown!

Recently, the Spirit of the Lord said to me: “It’s time for the U.K. and Europe to reap what they have sown.”

At first glance, such a statement might produce some fear and trembling because of how we are religiously bent to think. Often, when we consider the concept of sowing and reaping, we think of how nations have sown bad things, and thus, should brace themselves for the judgment or wrath of God.

While God does have the right to judge nations, we need to also consider that the word “judgment” also includes “evaluation.” And remember, our God is the one who doesn’t want any people—or nations—to perish (see 2 Pet. 3:9). I believe He is evaluating nations right now, and He wants you to know that He has seen the seeds you’ve sown into the earth!

It’s a Fullness of Time Moment

Even now, I prophesy, “British Isles and Europe, it’s time for you to reap what you have sown into the nations of the earth.” What have you sown? I believe the Holy Spirit told me, “They have sown revival and reformation into the four corners of the earth.”

The King James Version of Galatians 6:7b uses the terminology of sowing and reaping. I like how the New Living Translation puts it: “You will always harvest what you plant.” Europe and U.K.: for many years, you have been planting and seeding the heavens as you have sown revival and reformation across the globe. God sees, and God remembers. Heaven has taken account, and it’s now a fullness of time moment where what you have sown, you will reap.

I was born in the USA; I presently live in Texas. While I believe in a healthy love for one’s homeland and nation, I also believe it’s vital to express our appreciation to other nations for how their spiritual investments have impacted our nations. I write as a citizen of the United States right now, desiring to give honor to how your nations have touched the planet.

I’m grateful for the correspondence that Evan Roberts had with intercessor Frank Bartleman in Los Angeles, as I have no doubt that what God was doing in Wales (Welsh Revival) in 1904 somehow jumped over the ocean and had a measurable impact on birthing the Azusa Street Revival of 1906. Wales, it’s time for a fresh outpouring!

I’m grateful for the Smith sisters praying a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit into the Hebrides Islands back in 1949 during the Lewis Awakening/Hebrides Revival. God sees Scotland, and I believe His movement in that nation is evidenced by the powerful prophetic community that is being raised up there.

I’m grateful for how Evangelist Steve Hill (Brownsville Revival) was touched by the power of God at Holy Trinity Brompton (in 1995) and that touch of God was powerfully released on Father’s Day 1995 in Pensacola, Florida. England, it’s time. There are an increasing number of churches that carry the fire of the Holy Spirit throughout the country. My friends with the Ramp (a youth and young adults ministry based in Hamilton, Alabama) have received a mandate to build a church in Manchester. The Lord says, “Look around! Consider the activity of my Spirit, both overt and covert, for this activity is evidence that I am moving, and My movement will only increase.”

I’m grateful for what God exported out of Germany through a priest named Martin Luther. Because of his impact, we recognize that through the blood of Jesus we have direct access to God Himself. We are justified by grace through faith.

I’m grateful for the Reformation culture exported out of Geneva, Switzerland under John Calvin, which gives us a powerful picture of a city under the influence of kingdom ideas.

I think of George Jeffreys, the Welsh evangelist who operated in signs, wonders and miracles and founded Elim Pentecostal Church. It’s interesting how this evangelist had a direct impact and influence on German-born evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

Time prevents me from going through revival and reformation history, person by person, recognizing the global spiritual impact of European and British leaders on the nations of the earth. For all you’ve sown, it’s time to reap.

How Do We Respond to This Prophetic Word?

Here are some strategies to pray through and act upon:

  • We agree with prophetic words through prayer and intercession. We do not agree with the secularism and darkness we see having influence on these nations. We don’t pretend the problems aren’t there in the name of faith; we simply pray based on what God is saying about Europe and the British Isles. Don’t pray the problem; pray the solution.
  • We volunteer to be “sent ones,” released into the harvest. By and large, this does not mean you are called to “minister” in a church setting; you are called to be the church in whatever sphere of influence, job, trade or educational institution you’ve been assigned to. The Lord is building His church; it just looks a whole lot different than we think. You are filled with the Holy Spirit to go to the people and places in your sphere of influence and function as a prophetic problem-solver. For as you deliver solutions to the problems and crises that have stumped everyone else, you will be given platforms to reveal the source of your supernatural solutions: the Holy Spirit, Christ in you!
  • We make room for the Holy Spirit in our local church gatherings. It’s impossible to see culture shift without a local church that maintains an open atmosphere to the supernatural movement of the Spirit. I prophesy, Europe and U.K.—may the fire of God burn strong in your churches! I even see some of the ancient landmarks of faith, the cathedrals and beautiful sanctuaries of old, coming alive again with the fire of God.
  • I see intercessors and prophets becoming key voices in this season, as you will be receiving prayer strategies from heaven that you are called to prophesy and decree over your cities, regions and nations.
  • The Spirit of the Lord will sovereignly remind you of past promises and prophecies for your cities and nations. These words were never meant to become “forgotten things;” they are heaven-sent strategies to help us effectively pray and war in the Spirit for the destinies of our nations.
  • I specifically see people praying over the ground in these nations, declaring: “Spring up, oh well!” (Num. 21:17b). The Lord is saying, “My bride will once again sing the ‘song of the well’ in Europe and the British Islands. {eoa}

Larry Sparks is co-author of the book The Fire That Never Sleeps with Dr. Michael Brown and John Kilpatrick. Larry’s mission is to help teach all believers how to experience and sustain personal revival—enjoying a deep relationship with God through encountering the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. To this end, he maintains a blog through Charisma magazine, is a published author, teaches revival seminars and is the co-founder of Renewing South Florida, an organization committed to uniting the local church for regional outpouring. Larry holds a Master of Divinity from Regent University and presently serves as vice president of publishing for Destiny Image Publishers.

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