Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why Liberal Theology Undermines the True Power of the Gospel

In our modern culture, there is much talk of “liberalism.” Whether it be the hard-left-veering Democrats or those who seek to rebel against certain conservative norms, liberalism has become rather trendy in recent times. And when it comes to the church, the same thing is true—overtly liberal theology is gaining influence at a staggering rate.

Of course, there are strands of liberal thinking that can drastically assist the church in carrying out its mission to serve those in need. Liberal thinking, in a traditional sense, should be in line with the virtuous qualities of liberty, equality and magnanimity. Unfortunately, modern liberal Christians have taken to hijacking the Bible for their own political ends, and as a result have trampled all over the true nature and worth of the gospel message—namely, that Christ died for our sins so we might live with Him forever.

Then why is liberal theology so dangerous? {eoa}

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