Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

If Your Today Is Too Much, Cling to This Psalm 46:10 Truth

Did you ever wonder why the shower is the place where ideas filter through, insights pop up and solutions appear?

That happened to me the other day. I turned off the faucet. and my mind took off in a strange direction.

When Life Becomes Too Much

How lovely it would be if we could shut off the shower of problems when life becomes too much. What if we could stop the downpour of demands? And what if we pushed the knob and turned off the hard stuff that keeps coming down on us?

But as a woman once told me: “Life isn’t like that, honey.”

She’s right. Life is certainly not that easy. But the living God is easy on us when we are wet with worry and anxiety. I found a powerful message tucked in a verse in the book of Psalms: “Be still and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10a).

Like me, you may have read it hundreds of times. But when I heard it recently, two words leaped out and made me smile.

‘I Am’

What a delicious notion of the present, the now, the moment. What a powerful promise that He is the God who is indeed present in our current situation. He is active in this moment of insecurity. He is in control of this minute’s pain and right now, He’s watching our tears fall.

And when we’re dripping with stress, He offers the soft towel of reassurance. The comfort that being still in His presence brings. And the confidence that He is God of all.

He Says, ‘I Am God’

In turn, I am believing. I am trusting and delighting in His promise. I am counting on the guarantee that at this moment He’s delivering us from all suffering. Right now, He’s speaking to us in our affliction, reassuring us when all falls apart, and whispering, “Be still and know that I am God.”

It’s in the “still” of the moment, when stress leaves, faith increases and expectations come alive. They do because if we listen, He’s speaking: “He delivers the poor in their affliction, and opens their ears in oppression” (Job 36:15).

When today, life becomes too much, He’s speaking. Tomorrow isn’t here yet. That’s why today, we can receive the shower of reassurance. The promise He’s got tomorrow in His hands. And the confidence He’s bigger than any dark moment. So, “Be still,” He instructs.

Let’s Pray

Father, you observed my anxious heart and saw me tossing during my sleepless night. Though the situation I face is so devastating, it’s not bigger than You. It won’t defeat me because each moment I shall be still in Your presence, wrapped in the reassurance of Your love. In Jesus’ name.

What keeps you from being still these days? {eoa}

Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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