Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

He Was Drunk in the Club When He Heard the Voice of the Lord

Ronald McCray

Ronald McCray is sharply dressed and well-spoken. He beams with pride when he talks about his wife, Fatima, and their soon-to-come son.

He loves Jesus, and that shines through in his voice as he speaks reverently of the one who set him free.

Though McCray was raised in church, he hasn’t walked with God through all of his days. At 9, he was sexually abused by a relative and some friends.

“I was the subject of their experiment in watching pornography … and this created something within me that we know of today as same-sex attraction,” McCray tells Charisma News.

By 16, McCray decided to act on those attractions. At 17, he was raped by another man who claimed to be a Christian.

“You would think that would likely turn one away from those types of relationships,” McCray says. “It created a void, or a desire rather, for me to pursue those types of experiences and relationships.”

So deeper into the rabbit hole he went.

One night, McCray was drunk, dancing in the club when He heard the voice of the Lord.

Listen to the podcast to hear what happened next.

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