Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Shocking YouTube Kids’ Video: Abortion Is ‘All Part of God’s Plan’

A YouTube channel for kids is facing controversy after posting a video of a pro-choice activist working to convince children it’s OK to have an abortion.

Amelia Bonow, the woman who started the social media hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion, appears in the video talking with children about her abortion experience and sharing her views on the issue.

The popular organization known as HiHo Kids has more than 2 million followers on YouTube. HiHo published the video online on Dec. 28 entitled “Kids Meet Someone Who’s Had an Abortion.” It’s already been seen by more than 200,000 people.

In the eight-minute video, young children squirm as Bonow tries to indoctrinate them with her pro-abortion worldview. She compares having an abortion to a bad dentist appointment and a bodily procedure that’s “kind of uncomfortable.” She also tells one child that she believes abortion is “all part of God’s plan.”

She asks kids what they think abortion is, and several say it’s when you “get rid of the baby.” But Bonow refers to the baby as “the pregnancy.”

“You go to the doctor, and they put this little straw inside of your cervix, and then inside of your uterus, and then they just suck the pregnancy out, and it was like a crappy dentist appointment or something,” the pro-choice activist tells a little girl.

Later, when a boy says he thinks some unwanted babies should be allowed to be born and adopted, Bonow disagrees, shocking the young boy. She tells him abortion is “all part of God’s plan.”

CBN News has contacted Bonow and HiHo Kids for their comments on the video. At the time of publication, they had not responded to our inquiries. The video has faced enormous criticism online.

Kris Williams, a pro-life rapper turned YouTube commentator, specifically responded to Bonow’s HiHo Kids video by posting his own YouTube video.

“God is not pleased with the killing of children,” Williams responded. “I don’t know what she means by part of God’s plan—as if he commanded it to happen or if He is OK with what happened. She would have to define that a little more. But no, God is not OK with your murdering your child. God is pretty clear in the Law with what He thinks about murder.” {eoa}

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