Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Randy Clark Shares Prophecy That Launched Supernatural Healing Ministry in Brazil

Randy Clark operates powerfully in healing as a prophetic evangelist, but he is probably best-known for his involvement in the Toronto Outpouring. On January 20, 1994, he preached at a relatively small Vineyard church near the airport in Toronto, Canada. It was just a normal service until God moved in a powerful way, which resulted in a revival that lasted every day for a number of years! That church has had enormous influence, since people came from all over the world to visit that revival and receive a touch from God. And all that started with Randy’s ministry.

Since then, Randy has launched a new ministry, Global Awakening, and is making a deep impact worldwide. Randy and I are actually longtime friends, and last week I had the opportunity to meet up with him when I attended the Jesus ’18 conference in Orlando, Florida. We discussed the miraculous things God is doing through his ministry, especially in Brazil—and it all began with a prophetic word.

Randy has been traveling to Brazil for about 20 years now and has seen countless people healed and saved. At one point, Randy had no intention of ministering in that nation, but that all changed when he received a prophetic word from Hillsong founder Brian Houston’s dad, Frank Houston. When Frank was about 75 and about to retire, he received a fresh touch from the Holy Spirit in the Toronto Outpouring. One morning when Frank was teaching, Randy asked God to give Frank a prophetic word for him.

“Frank came up and gave me this word in front of everybody,” Randy tells me. “And the word was: ‘As God has used you in Toronto, He’s going to use you in six other nations for great revival. Four of those nations your feet haven’t touched yet.'”

That same afternoon, Randy met with the delegation from Brazil and South Korea, two nations Randy had never visited. Since then, Randy has ministered to many churches and imparted anointing to pastors in those two countries to see their churches explode with revival and growth.

Randy remembers when God took anointing to heal in his services to a whole new level. For a few years after Toronto, Randy would see about 3 percent of people healed in his services. But while visiting Bill Johnson’s church, Bethel, and training there for eight days, God taught Randy a deep lesson of faith.

“Instead of healings every week, we had healings every day, and more of them—like a 25 percent increase,” Randy says.

While preaching at Bethel, God told Randy to ask for more healings. During that service, God healed 25, so Randy asked for 50. God then healed 50, so Randy asked for 75. By the end of the night, 137 people received supernatural healing. Since that night Randy has always seen at least 10 percent of people in his services receive healing.

2 Corinthians 4:13b says, “We have the same spirit of faith. As it is written, ‘I believed, and therefore I have spoken.’ So we also believe and therefore speak.” Randy says God used that verse to challenge his perspective on faith.

“I felt like the Lord said, ‘If you believe I’m going to do something, you should declare it,'” Randy says. “‘Whatever you really believe I’m going to do, if you speak it, it will shift the atmosphere, and people will move from what they’re thinking toward where you’re at.'”

Not too long after that, Randy ministered to a crowd of 8,000 in Brazil. He told his listeners that God was going to heal 800 people that night, and if the service was really good, many more would receive a supernatural healing touch. That night, God healed 2,000 people, Randy says.

This only scratches the surface of the creative miracles Randy has seen God do in his ministry in Brazil. You can listen to the rest of Randy’s insights and stories (including how the Lord is moving in Brazil’s political arena) in the podcast below! And if Randy’s message of faith ministered to you today, I encourage you to share this article on your social media or forward it to a friend.

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