Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why Every Spirit-Filled Christian Needs to Wage Serious Spiritual Warfare This Week

In the past week, several horrific things have happened in our nation, all of which point to the massive spiritual warfare America is facing right now.

Over a course of a couple days, several leftist politicians received bombs in their mail, including George Soros, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Brennan and more. Police arrested Cesar Sayoc for the crime and found he had a list of more than 100 potential targets.

Nothing could condone this horrible, violent act. Thankfully, none of the bombs exploded and no one was injured.

Unfortunately, though, the same can’t be said for the shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue this past Saturday. An anti-Semitic gunman opened fire on the Tree of Life synagogue, killing 11 people while he shouted, “All Jews must die!”

Exactly one week before the shooting, I was in Pittsburgh appearing on Cornerstone TV. I was talking about my new book, Trump Aftershock. After the shooting, I was thinking that if I had been in Pittsburgh this past weekend, I could have offered my condolences and paid my respects at the vigil they held for the victims.

And that’s not all. On Monday, a masked gunman entered a McDonald’s in Alabama and started shooting. Thankfully, no one was killed because a customer shot and killed the shooter. Interestingly, that story hasn’t received much media attention because the shooter didn’t injure anyone—although the hero and his son were slightly hurt.

Sadly, throughout history, crazy people have committed terrible atrocities. I remember when John Kennedy and his brother, Robert, were assassinated as well as Martin Luther King Jr. It’s a terrible thing that this evil exists in the world. But in my Strang Report podcasts and newsletters, I try to offer an answer: The Word of God says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (see Eph. 6:12).

This spiritual realm is as real as—or more real than—the physical world we experience with our five senses. Even secular people will acknowledge that there is evil in the world when horrific events like these happen.

And as the election approaches, the spiritual state of our nation just seems to be getting worse. Christians can’t sit idly by while these horrible things happen; we must pray. We must take authority in the name of Jesus, bind these spirits and overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (see Rev. 12:11).

I’m sensing there’s going to be a red wave come Election Day. It seems as though the Democratic Party is becoming the socialist party. In Europe, they sometimes use the phrase “Democratic socialist.” Never until now have I seen this happen in our county, so this deeply concerns me. Believers must get out and vote next week.

I deal with many of these issues in Trump Aftershock, which releases on Election Day. My goal in the book is to highlight what God has done in America since He raised up Trump as president. You can buy a copy at Amazon or at

I wrote the cover story in Charisma‘s November issue, which should be arriving around this time for those of you who subscribe to the magazine. In that feature, titled “The Spiritual Struggle for the Soul of America,” I interview different ministers like Kenneth Copeland and John Kilpatrick about the spiritual warfare we are facing on a national level right now.

For those who doubt the reality of that national spiritual warfare, just look at what has been happening the last few weeks. In one of my recent Strang Reports, I wrote about how witches were trying to put hexes on Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump. Although witchcraft does have power, we have even more power and authority through the Holy Spirit.

I hope you will pray for our nation over the next week and vote according to biblical values. Visit to take advantage of our special deal this week and be sure to listen to my podcast below!

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