Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

How Trump Honors Evangelicals More Than Any Democratic or Republican President Before Him

If you’ve been reading my Strang Report newsletters and listening to my podcast lately, you know I’ve been talking about my new book, Trump Aftershock. I’m trying to create interest in the book, which releases on Election Day, Nov. 6. And thanks to faithful readers and listeners like you, the book is already gaining traction.

To prepare for the release date, I’ve started doing media interviews. On Friday, I did a couple of TV interviews with Bishop Harry Jackson, who agreed to let me air parts of our interviews on my Strang Report podcast—so stay tuned for to hear our exciting conversation!

For my last book, God and Donald Trump, I did about 50 interviews in a span of a couple months. Since that kind of schedule can become exhausting, my public relations firm, Hamilton Strategies, came up with the idea of recording a Q-and-A interview that we can send to radio stations across the country.

One of the issues I discuss in the interview deals with the role evangelicals played in Donald Trump’s success—in both his election and current success.

I should mention that most of the evangelical leaders backed Ted Cruz to start with. It was really a much smaller group of charismatic leaders—people like Paula White, Kenneth Copeland and Don Nori Sr.—who felt that God was somehow raising up this very unlikely person. And there were a number of prophets like Frank Amedia and Chuck Pierce who actually prophesied that God was raising up Trump like Cyrus, the pagan king in the Old Testament whom God used to deliver the Israelites.

After the election, I read several books about Trump, and they didn’t even mention the evangelical vote. And yet that was decisive in Trump’s win. As it turned out, 81 percent of all evangelicals—Bible-believing, born-again, church-going Christians—ended up voting for Trump. Part of that had to do with the fact that Trump was running against Hillary Clinton. (Whatever negative things you can say about Trump, Clinton would have been 10 times worse, in my opinion.)

But Trump has turned out to be quite a surprise. He’s proved himself to be a champion of religious freedom, he seems to be very respectful of evangelicals, and he even seeks counsel from them. Evangelical leaders have said they have more access to him than to any president in recent history.

What generally happens is that Democrats running for president don’t reach out to the evangelical community. They tend to write them off. The Republicans, on the other hand, reach out to evangelicals during their campaign but, once elected, don’t talk to them or even honor their promises to them. But Trump has been very different in that regard. In short, the last few years have been a refreshing change.

I believe this has been a largely untold story, which is why I decided to write Trump Aftershock. My heart in writing the book is to highlight what God has done through Trump since he was elected. Just think of how Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, negotiated with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and most recently, freed American pastor Andrew Brunson, who was wrongfully imprisoned in Turkey for two years. These are the aftershocks of Trump’s election and, by God’s grace, more are yet to come.

If you want to learn more about the book, visit and download a free chapter. You can pre-order the book there or on Amazon. If you order it before Election Day, you will receive a bundle of free items: 1) an immediate PDF download of the first three chapters, 2) a Trump Aftershock e-book, 3) a God and Donald Trump e-book and 4) a subscription to Charisma magazine. All you have to do to claim your free items is buy the book and then visit and fill out the form at the bottom of the home page.

This article was just a small glimpse into the many important issues I deal with in the book and in my media interview. To listen to the first half of the interview, click on the podcast below, and subscribe to the Strang Report podcast for more compelling insights and interviews. Stay tuned to hear the rest of the interview tomorrow!

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