Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Revival Broke Out Near Historic Cane Ridge on Pentecost Sunday—And Has No Signs of Stopping

There has been prevailing intercession and profound prophetic utterance released in a myriad of settings as the current generation becomes increasingly desperate for revival. One consistent cry has been for the ancient wells of revival and awakening in the land to be opened once again and for the nation to encounter the manifest glory of God in the power of a pervasive move of God. Are ancient wells opening? Are you sounds of the early stages of awakening being heard in the land?

Since having the dream most commonly referred to as the “Appeal to Heaven Dream,” we have traveled the old trails of awakening and significant revivals in the nation. We have, like a multitude of others, cried out for God to come and heal the land. We have partnered with many ministries to visit once again the old paths of America’s early revivals in the wilderness. We traveled along the El Camino Real from the Southern border near El Paso, Texas all the way through New Mexico into the most northern portions of the state.

We were given a dream about visiting all of the original eight capital cities of the nation, and we sought to fulfill the word of the Lord concerning that. We have journeyed along the old Wilderness Trail, following the path of the Pioneers through the Cumberland Pass into Kentucky and the western front of the young expanding nation. However, recently we have experienced an unusual outpouring of the Spirit in what has now become a 16-week revival in Kentucky. This revival began just a few miles from the old Cane Ridge Meeting House in Bourbon County, Kentucky in an old church that was last remodeled in the 1850s.

Stoically sitting alongside a country road in Bourbon County, Kentucky is the Mt. Carmel Christian Church. Mt. Carmel began in 1818 when one of five men denounced from the pulpit of the Old Stoner Mouth Presbyterian Church for attending the Cane Ridge revival held a camp meeting on his farm. We came to Bourbon County to celebrate the 200th anniversary with this congregation on Pentecost Sunday and to speak at a regional gathering to be held at River of Life Ministries in Paris, Kentucky. We have been in revival ever since.

During the evening service at Mt. Carmel, as worship filled the old sanctuary, we heard a remarkable sound that seemed to reverberate throughout the entire sanctuary. I glanced up to look at Jennifer, and it was obvious that she and the minister sitting next to her had also heard the sound. It sounded as if every person in the sanctuary started simultaneously stomping their feet on the old wooden floors. I felt quickened in my spirit that it was the sound of the Lord coming upon the land. It sounded like many horses thundering upon the land.

The worship that night was a single psalmist worshipping on an upright piano, leading the congregation into wonderful adoration of the King of glory. She was wholly attentive to hosting the presence of the Lord in worship and inviting us to go a journey with her. We went.

The altars were filled with people at the conclusion of the service. The people had lined all the way up the aisles of the church for prayer to the doors at the back of the sanctuary. People were crying and laughing hysterically at the same time. You could see people lying on the floor or gathering in their pews to pray with one another.

The sound of jubilant breakthrough was resonating from the hearts of the people in that service, and it was as though we all knew revival was being birthed. A revival on old Kentucky soil that had witnessed a move of God at Cane Ridge, just a few miles away, was about to erupt again with the manifest glory of God.

During revival services over the last 15 weeks, we have seen pastors and leaders repenting, weeping and laughing in an outpouring of refreshing. We have seen people saved, delivered and many returning to the Lord surrendering their yielding hearts.

We have seen many miracles and hearings that are really stunning in this stage of the revival. There have been at least two documented cases of healing of cancer along with many other miracles and dramatic healing. In addition to pastors and people coming from all over Kentucky, we have also had ministers visit the revival from numerous states including Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Oklahoma and New Jersey, to name a few. We now enter into week No. 16 with no end in sight.

Kentucky leaders are creating synergy and releasing strategy for Kentucky’s awakening. The Lord is summoning leaders to come together in humility, honor and the heart of the Father for a generational move of God all across the nation.

Are you ready to take your place?

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