Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

John Kilpatrick: Time Is Running Out, Church Must Awake From Witchcraft’s Spell and Pray

On Aug. 19, Pastor John Kilpatrick prophesied that the spirit of Jezebel is set to rise against President Donald Trump. Without any help from Kilpatrick or his media team, a video of that message went viral, with over a million people seeing it.

The incredible thing is that this message wasn’t during a special event; it was merely a Sunday-morning service. Yet something Kilpatrick said resonated with people, even internationally.

He exhorted the church to pray for our president and combat the witchcraft that is set to take over the U.S. In the video of his prophecy, he says the Lord told him that “so far, Trump has been dealing with Ahab. But Jezebel’s fixing to step out from the shadows.”

Just days after Kilpatrick’s timely word, Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations. And that same day, Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was declared guilty on five counts of submitting false tax returns, one count of failing to report foreign bank accounts and two counts of bank fraud.

“[God] said, ‘Pray for him now, because there’s about to be a shift, and the deep state is about to manifest, and it’s going to be a showdown like you can’t believe,'” Kilpatrick says in the video.

The message ended with a powerful time of prayer, and many prayed in tongues over their nation.

I’ve known Kilpatrick for many years. In the early 2000s, he founded the Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama. But he may be best-known for the part he played in the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida, in the mid-1990s. More than 4 million people, including my wife and me, made their way to Pensacola to experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at that time.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Kilpatrick about what he is seeing in the spiritual realm in the country right now. Kilpatrick pointed out that a spirit of witchcraft—and more specifically, Jezebel—is coming against the president.

“That spirit is still alive today because it’s a spirit that tries to come against the prophetic,” Kilpatrick told me in our interview. “… And that spirit withstands and comes against in a major way anybody who tries to stand up for principles and the Word of God. And that’s what we see happening in Washington. This is not just a political battle. … This is a battle for the soul of this nation.”

Kilpatrick says this spirit will not rest until it unseats Trump and reverses his good decisions, such as nominating Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. Because of this, the church must rise up in boldness if it wants to combat this witchcraft.

The problem, Kilpatrick says, is that many believers lack boldness because they have sanitized their churches of the Holy Spirit’s movement.

“If ever we needed a powerful church on the face of the earth, it’s right now,” Kilpatrick says. “It’s today. We must be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit. We must get a fresh anointing and we must take our stand. Time is running out.”

I hope many heed Kilpatrick’s warning and rise up in prayer. We must take care of this in the spiritual realm if we want to see a difference in the natural. I encourage you to watch Kilpatrick’s prophetic word if you haven’t already. His message impacted me so much that I added a couple of pages about it in my new book, Trump Aftershock. The book comes out Nov. 6, but you can click here to pre-order it.

After you watch Kilpatrick’s prophecy, be sure to listen to my entire interview with him below and subscribe to my podcast, “The Strang Report.”

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