Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Do the Stars Call All Mankind to Be Baptized in the Spirit’s Fire?

If you’ve even wondered where we’re all headed, just look up at the zenith point early this evening.

Astronomers say the Earth, the moon, the sun and the entire solar system are moving toward the bright star Vega at about 40,000 miles per hour. Vega, the fifth brightest star in the sky, means “He shall be exalted.” It is part of the summer triangle and, with fellow triangle stars Deneb (the Lord comes) and Altair (the wounding), tells of Jesus, the seed of woman, who will come, be wounded and be exalted.

Vega is located in the constellation Lyra (the harp), which is pictured as a harp with wings of an eagle. It represents God’s Holy Spirit, who will come to live in those who are His children. The meaning of the name Vega (He shall be exalted) illustrates that the primary function of the Holy Spirit is to exalt the Christ in the believer. The association of the Holy Spirit with the harp illustrates the role the Spirit plays in the praise of God and the power of music in the praise and worship of God.

Lyra is one of the constellations associated with Sagittarius (the archer). Sagittarius is the sign of the Advent of Christ, having moved into the season of Christ’s advent in 7 B.C. Lyra, along with the constellation Ara (the altar), picturing a blazing altar, reminds us of John the Baptist’s promise that Christ would baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matt. 3:11). For more information, take a free download of our book The Stars of His Coming.

Vega will be directly overhead at zenith in the early evening. Its constellation Lyra contains two double stars that are beautiful binocular objects. Take a look tonight.

Vega tells us we are destined for worship.

It’s good to know where you are going. {eoa}

Ron Allen is a Christian businessman, CPA and author who serves in local, national and international ministries, spreading a message of reconciliation to God, to men and between believers. He is founder of the International Star Bible Society, telling how the heavens declare the glory of God; the Emancipation Network, which helps people escape from financial bondage; and co-founder with his wife, Pat, of Corporate Prayer Resources, dedicated to helping intercessors.

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