Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

24-Minute Dynamic Devotions That Will Change Your Life

We have 24 hours each day. Can you give to God at least 24 minutes of your day? It will be life-changing! Here are five steps to tithing your time back to God:
Step 1: Protective and Covering Prayer (5 Minutes)
Father God, I praise You and thank You for today. Thank You for another day to love and serve You and others. I give this day and my entire life to You. I cast all of my cares and worries over to You and thank You that You are with me each step. Organize my steps and help me in every decision.
I ask you to examine my heart, and please forgive me for anything I said, thought or acted upon that was not pleasing to You. Thank you for a fresh start today. Empty me of myself and fill me with You, Jesus.
I plead the protective blood of the Lord Jesus and call forth surrounding guardian, warfare, ministering and protective angels over myself, my spouse/parents, my children, my pastors (co-workers, students and so forth) and each and every one of my family, friends, loved ones and neighbors, seen and unseen. I thank You that everything we come in contact with is blessed, safe and sanctified in the name of Jesus.
I bind all witchcraft, demonic and occult spirits acts, deeds and every devilish thing sent out against my family and me in the mighty name of Jesus. I bind astral projection and forbid its operation in the mighty name of Jesus. I bind every negative, wicked word spoken over me, against me, around me, about me or even by me, knowing or unknowingly, and cancel its assignment in the name of Jesus. I declare that the enemy is deaf, blind and mute, unable to perceive us at all and totally confounded with every door shut in the name of Jesus.

I pray Psalm 91 over myself and my family and thank You for being a protective wall of fire around us.
Psalm 91

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.” Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the hunter and from the deadly pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall find protection; His faithfulness shall be your shield and wall.You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day; nor of the pestilence that pursues in darkness, nor of the destruction that strikes at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling, there shall be no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your tent; for He shall give His angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, and I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation.

Step 2: Thanksgiving and Petitions (7 Minutes)
I love you, Lord, and thank You for leading, guiding and directing me in all wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Today I thank You for (list all your blessings)
Today I ask for (list your needs) according to Your good and perfect will and timing. I trust you and thank you that You will provide all our needs according to Your riches and glory in Christ Jesus
Today I pray for (list the needs of others).
By obedience to Your Word, I forgive (list those you need to forgive, including yourself). I thank You that You will heal every hurt and thank You for helping me walk in love.
I pray today for the mind of Christ, and that all I put my hands can and will prosper. I thank you that I am in a more than a conqueror in you. I thank you that I walk in your favor today everywhere I go!

Thank you for opportunities and opportunities to show Your love today.
I love You and glorify Your name. Thank You for saving me and loving me. Help me become more like You, Jesus.
Step 3: Meditation (2 Minutes)
Meditate on one verse or passage. Write it on a card or sticky note and read it aloud now and throughout the day. If you are struggling in an area, find a verse that you can focus on (healing, forgiveness, peace and so on.)
Step 4: Worship (5 Minutes)
Play or sing a song of worship to God. Spend time in your prayer language.
Step 5: Be Silent (5 Minutes)
Grab a notebook, journal or voice recorder, and as you worship God be still for a moment to hear from Him. He may give you a word, phrase, vision or confirmation. If you do not hear anything, do not become discouraged. He is always working on your behalf. That silent moment may be just the peace you need before starting your day.
Remember … be consistent. This time does not take long, and you have to make a quality decision to get up early, find a quiet place (even if it is the bathroom or car). If there is noise and distraction around you, get earplugs, put on instrumental worship music or ask God to help you focus.
Be sincere. This is not a checklist for you to cross off; it is a guide to start your day in prayer. Be open and honest with God. If you forget to pray, do not fall into condemnation. Repent and move forward. There is no condemnation in Christ.
God longs to spend time with you. He is waiting with open arms!
Give Him all the time you can. Everything else can wait. {eoa}
Pastor Meg Hart founded Restored Women in 2015 and Restored Global in 2018, both ministries birthed into her heart from God as a result of the great revelation, redirection and restoration she experienced through Jesus.
She is an ordained pastor through Global Ministries and Relief Inc. and the Full Gospel Fellowship. She holds a master’s degree in organizational leadership from Regent University and is currently in her final year as a doctoral student for the Ed.D. in performance improvement leadership.
She is a proud mother of her daughter, Mackenzie, and serves at Life Church in Williamstown, New Jersey.
This article originally appeared at

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