Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Don’t Miss Jesus’ Fabulous Invitation to Your First-Class Life

On one of my trips to Mexico, an airport escort guided me into the airplane. As we turned the corner to head down the aisle, a flight attendant handed immigration forms to each passenger. “One per family please.”

With form in hand, I headed to my seat. I sat by the window, and after the announcements ended, I reached up and pressed the light to call for assistance.

Moments later, the flight attendant came. “Could I help you?”

“I’m blind,” I said. “Could you please help me fill this out?”

“Sure. Come with me.”

I gathered my stuff and followed him to the front of the airplane.

“You can sit here to your right,” he said.

I settled in the leather seat, spacious and comfortable. I stretched out my legs—plenty of room.

We finished the form, and he asked if I wanted to stay in that seat. I was in first class. “Are you kidding?” I asked with a silly grin. “Sure, I would love that.”

I made myself at home and began to compare. Rather than getting the medicine-size cup of water I would get in the other section of the plane, I got a fresh, cold bottle of water. Rather than a tiny bag of peanuts, I received my choice of appetizers. In this VIP section, the trip was, well, unexpectedly delightful.

Low Expectations

As I dozed off, my thoughts took me to the class of life for which I had settled. Was it the VIP section? Not at all. Unaware, I had occupied the cheap seats. The reason? I expected only a limited amount of happiness. I gathered only a few sporadic moments of joy. And I expected only a reasonable amount of prosperity.

Why do some of us do that? Because we want to be cautious not to appear greedy, selfish or needy. So, we purchase our ticket the world sells. The one that lets you in the back of the plane of life. We find a seat and settle there. And mistakenly, we expect to find true happiness when we marry the right person. We anticipate education and the right job will be what bring on prosperity. We count on peace when our plans work out. And, with false expectations, we take off to the next chapter, hoping for more happy moments.

Sometimes, none come through. And we squirm in the uncomfortable seat of disappointment. Al the while, we ask ourselves, where are the results we hoped for, where is the security we need, and during the turbulence that shakes our world, where is the protection?

As we try to figure it all out, we make the biggest mistake of all. We overlook Jesus’ calling us to the first-class kind of living He offers. He reserved a seat. It has our name on it. Should we accept his invitation, the view changes. There is no limit in what He offers. There are no boundaries of the perks He has stored. And there are no barriers in what could delight our soul.

A Nudge to Accept God’s Best

In order to enjoy them, we all need a nudge. Someone has to give us a push to leave that seat of mediocrity. Though it may be OK and familiar, we need the courage to leave it behind. Something great is waiting ahead. And with a firm spring in our step, we head down the aisle to the first-class section of His love.

The abundance is waiting. If we long for a new beginning, He will grant a glorious one. If we wish to live with joy, we can begin to relish in it. If we desire freedom from chains that bind, we declare it to be so.

All of the best, the greatest that God has is ours. It’s ours because we simply accepted His invitation. Often, He exceeds our expectations as we have access to the abundance the world could never give.

And that abundance halts our searching. No more looking for just enough. He has all blessings in great quantities. No more average success, He offers triumphant victory.

Victory Is Ours

That victory is ours even when violent turbulence brings terror into our nights and the arrows of worry fly during the day. While those in the other section of doubt become victims of destruction, that new VIP place is not a seat anymore. It becomes a place where we can move in permanently.

And once there, our darkest trials and deepest suffering are no match to His first-class protection because…

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday” (Ps. 91:1-6).

This elite kind of protection is not for the everyday person who doubts and chooses to settle in the coach section which the world offers. It’s reserved and available to those who choose to dwell in the VIP shelter of almighty God.

Let’s Pray

Father, there is terror in my nights sometimes; there are arrows of fear during the day too. But the protection You offer is mine as I choose to sit in the VIP seat of Tour unending love. I praise you because I can relish in the spiritual luxury You have reserved for me. In Jesus’ name.

What will it take for you to accept His invitation to the first-class section of life? {eoa}

Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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