Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The 7 Basics Bringing the Billion-Soul Harvest

Prophetic decorations are being heralded nationwide for the “billion-soul harvest.” Supercharged conferences are permeated by enthusiastic Christians celebrating the anticipated end-time in gathering of a billion new converts coming to Christ in our day.

Is this emotional hype or a genuine possibility? After all, Jesus did tell us that the “harvest is the end of the age” (Matt. 13:39, NIV).

This desired, massive turning of lost people to Jesus Christ won’t happen by simply praying, praising and prophesying, no matter how intense or passionate the participants may be. And according to Scripture, it won’t come about through angels preaching the gospel instead of us who are called to be His “ambassadors” of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20).

There are seven basics that need to be understood and applied by leaders and those zealous to hasten the harvest and help bring back the King. Watch this inspiring and concluding video from the free YouTube series “Loving Lifestyle Evangelism” to be equipped and engaged for this exciting move of God in our day.

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