Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

4 Real Ways You Can Encourage President Trump and Vice President Pence With Prayer

When asked how it made him feel when he heard the words, “I’m praying for you,” Vice-President Pence responded, “The president and I hear that often, and they are the sweetest words we ever hear.”

As we pray for our nation on the 66th National Day of Prayer, the vice president’s words are an important message to us all on the importance of praying for our elected officials, especially our president and vice-president.

What if you could personally pray for and encourage the president and vice president?

Tracy Bost, wife of U.S. Congressman Mike Bost, R-Ill., asked herself that same question after she saw how President Trump was being attacked since taking office.

“It started when I felt led to give a copy of the Jesus Calling devotional to the new British Prime Minister, Theresa May. I got the chance to meet her when she was speaking at the annual Republican Retreat in Philadelphia in February of 2017. I purchased a copy of the devotional and had some of the other congressional wives sign it. They included Scriptures and prayers to encourage her. I was then able to present it to her before she left. I felt strongly the importance of encouraging her in her role,” Tracy shared. “But afterwards, I began to think about President Trump. What if there was a way that we could encourage him and let him know we were praying for him? And that’s when I got the idea for a prayer initiative.”

Tracy began to reach out to her friends and constituents in Illinois. She invited those she knew to write out a scripture on a 3-by-5 card. She let them know that her husband would make sure the cards were personally delivered to the president.

“I received almost 300 cards from children as young as four or five all the way up to a woman in her nineties,” Tracy explained. “And the cards didn’t just have Scriptures on them. Some had heartfelt prayers to President Trump. On the cards from children, there were also drawings. Some of flags and some of a thumb’s up signal, etc. We delivered them all to the president.”

That was a year ago. Interestingly, last spring when Congressman Bost was in a meeting with the President, Trump brought up the prayer cards. “We use them every day,” he told Bost.

Mike looked at him in surprise. Really, every day?

That’s when Vice President Pence added, “Mike, when he says, ‘every day,’ he really means every day. He keeps the cards here on this shelf in his office, and we take some of them and read them daily.”

It is no wonder prayer is now under attack as “ineffective and offensive,” yet it is really the only weapon that can truly turn the tide when it comes to protecting our families, our students, our schools, and our nation.

If you also believe in prayer and would like to encourage the president and vice president we invite you to join the encourage prayer initiative:

1. Be a voice.

The offer of prayer has now been labeled as “offensive” speech. Don’t buy into it. Don’t stop. Offer to pray. Do not allow this new wave of attack to silence you from praying or saying you are praying.

2. Pray effectively.

James 5:16 tells us, The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much.”

What does that mean? How do we pray effective prayers? It is by praying the Word of God. When we take His words and turn them back to Him in prayer He said, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isa. 55:11).

3. Surround Those Under Attack

When Christians have come under attack for their faith, too often we have run from them instead of running to them. When we come under attack for our beliefs, we should not find ourselves standing alone. Especially when we see this happen on a public stage, it is important that we stand up with our brother or sister and circle them. We are a majority that acts and thinks like a minority. If we do not use our voice, we will lose our voice.

4. Send a Scripture or Prayer.

You can now submit your personal prayer for the president and vice president through the Encourage Prayer Initiative. Just click here or go to In addition, you can receive ongoing updates on what is happening behind the scenes in Washington, how to pray and how your prayers are making a difference. {eoa}

Karen Hardin is a literary agent and published author. She has been in the Christian publishing industry for 25 years and has had the privilege of working on numerous projects for some of the most recognized names in the industry. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily,Outlook Magazine,, Charisma, Elijah List and so on.

For additional information go to or to subscribe to her blog go to

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