Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

From tough trade tariffs on China to possible airstrikes in Syria to counter brutal attacks on civilians, and a meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un on the schedule, President Donald Trump has a strong global presence and has been extremely visible around the world during his nearly 18 months in office.

Also vocal on supporting Israel and sanctioning Russia, Trump is a popular draw when he visits other countries. But despite the strong presence globally, Trump remains committed to the United States of America—not other nations.

Best-selling author of God and Donald Trump and award-winning journalist Stephen E. Strang says the policies currently unfolding, both here and abroad, are a “working out of President Trump’s belief that he has been put here at this time for a special purpose.”

“But more important than simply fulfilling a list of campaign pledges, he understands that the United States of America is a unique and a uniquely privileged nation,” Strang writes in God and Donald Trump. “Our national motto proclaims, ‘In God We Trust,’ which first appeared in 1864 on a two-cent coin and has appeared on every coin and every piece of our currency since 1964. Our founders never hesitated to affirm their belief that God brought us to this continent for a reason, and I believe that’s why this president made the spiritual interests of the American people such a major focus of his campaign.”

Strang pointed out that Trump’s campaign literature said that “Putting America first means special interests no longer get to sell out our country for their own personal gain. It means we no longer enter multinational agreements that surrender our sovereignty. It means we no longer funnel billions of American dollars to countries that hate us. It means we no longer let just anyone pour over our border.”

“Strong language,” Strang says, “but the president made no apologies for those words. He believes in America, and he believes that God has a purpose and a plan for America.”

Strang also notes that in In February 2017, the president said what he meant to a joint session of Congress, repeating this general theme, saying “My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United States of America.”

“During the hourlong address, the president outlined policy issues he had talked about throughout the campaign,” Strang writes in his best-seller. “He spoke about revising our policies on global trade in order to give greater support and leverage to American companies. He asked for Congress to deal with the problems of illegal immigration and pass legislation to build the wall on our southern border. ‘We’ve defended the borders of other nations,’ he said, ‘while leaving our own borders wide open for anyone to cross.’ One thing is certain—Trump has not wavered from the commitments he made regarding how the U.S. would interact with the rest of the world under his leadership.”

In God and Donald Trump, Strang gives an inside look at the Donald Trump campaign, election and the presidency thus far, including how Trump engaged with evangelicals and other faith-groups to claim victory.

Strang is an award-winning journalist and successful businessman who began his career as a newspaper reporter at the Orlando Sentinel. He later founded a Christian publishing house and media company while interviewing and writing about nearly every Christian leader in the country over the past four decades.

For more information on God and Donald Trump, visit and view the book’s video. Visitors to the site can also download a free chapter and order the book.

God and Donald Trump is published by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma House, which has published books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians, including 14 New York Times best-sellers.

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