Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

This One Truth Will Help You Hear God

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked the question, “Why don’t I hear from God?” If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you love God and want to know Him. You’ve probably tried everything you can to try and hear His voice, and still doubt the way He speaks. Maybe you even count yourself out and believe a prophetic gifting is just not for you.

Perhaps you’re not in that club and have heard God before, but He’s gone silent. He used to speak all the time, but now, all of a sudden, you don’t know how to access that same sense of connection. It would be easy to believe that He’s disconnecting or that you’re doing something wrong. But I’m here to tell you that this simply is not true!

So what’s the deal then? The truth is that even if you’re not hearing God in this season, He is always speaking. So what are you missing? Watch this week’s video for more:

In a nutshell:

  • A lot of people believe that Jesus told parables to reveal truth. But Matthew 13:10-13 says, “And the disciples came and said to Him, ‘Why do You speak to them in parables?’ Jesus answered them, ‘To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted. For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.'”
  • But if He didn’t want them to know, why not just be quiet?
  • One of the most common statements that Jesus makes when preaching is: let those who have eyes see, and that those who have ears hear. He hides His words so that only hungry and humble people can find it.
  • So, in other words, Jesus tells parables to hide truth… not from us, but for us.
  • This is the total opposite of American Christianity where preachers always spell out all the details in the most clear way so that nobody misunderstands or takes it out of context. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be this careful but Jesus sure wasn’t.
  • God is looking for people who have ears to hear. More shall be given to them.
  • Most people would say that in some seasons God’s not speaking to them. That’s not true. He’s the Living Word of God. It would be incongruent with His nature to not talk to you.
  • He didn’t die on the cross just for your sins. He died on the cross so that He could have a relationship with you. The nature of relationship is communication!
  • If you’ve gone 24 hours and not heard God (there are exceptions), it’s likely because He’s on a channel you’re not on. He could be talking to you in a way that you didn’t catch.
  • Maybe He talked to you in a riddle and you didn’t get it. It could be the way the stop lights flashed, how the birds flew, the way a person said something to you…the Lord was talking to you the whole time.
  • God is multilingual and He’s speaking to you in many different languages! Once you master a language the Lord will switch so that He can tutor you in a new one and build a relationship with you!
  • One of the reasons you don’t hear God is an unawareness that God hides His word for us to seek. If you’re expecting an audible voice, you’ll miss the other ways He’s speaking.

Activation for the Week

Considering that God hides His word for us, how can you be pressing into Him in this week? I want you invite you today to repent, to turn away from thinking that the One who is the Living Word has stopped speaking, and grasp onto the truth that He is eager to meet with you.

His priority is relationship and He has so much He wants to say to you today! Tune your ear to His frequency, put down the boxes you expect Him to fit into, and turn your heart towards your loving Father. One practical way to do this is to bring your spirit into alignment with what God is doing in this season.

Put your hand over your heart and say this: “I bless my spirit to lead my body and my soul today. I bless my spirit to be in communion with Holy Spirit, to hear the way He is speaking to me in this season, and to be aware of God’s voice in my life. God, I am open to hearing you, however you are speaking to me today. Amen.”

I release clarity over you today and a grace to align yourself with God’s voice! Have you ever had a shift in the way you hear from God? How did you work through that? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

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